The office marketplace should slowly boost throughout 2012.
National Genuine Estate Investor
If you would like more informaiton please visit here… – Baton Rouge Real Estate News: Nicholson Lakes Subdivision Major 10 Percent Correction. 2011 Numbers incidate a -000 median sales price correction and -/sf correction since 2007 post Hurricane Katrina highs. This is not a typo and this is not due to a foreclosure situation. The purpose of Baton Rouge Housing Reports Dot Com is stated on the homepage as, order “Local Professionals Providing Trends, Analysis & Tips Helping Locals Make Informed Housing Decisions!” Nicholson Lakes Subdivision is a really nice Garden Home style development around lakes with an elaborate entrance. The location is convenient and perhaps within 5 to 6 miles of LSU and within 7-8 miles of the CBD or Central Business District. Despite these positives, Nicholson Lakes has corrected in a major way in 2011 and not from a foreclosure situation. The numbers are below. A Little History. From 2006 to 2008, general MLS home sales were in the high 0’s up to a high of 8775. The Sharp Decline. Nicholson Lakes has experienced substantial declines since the 2007 highs, from 3000 and 1/sf down to 4000 and 6/sf in 2011. Not Foreclosure Related. This doesn’t appear to be foreclosure related. In the past 18 months, there’s been approximately thirty-three (33) home sales with only two (2) of them being foreclosures. And, of the nine (9) current listings, only 1 of them is a foreclosure. Current Listings Show Continued Correction. Of the nine (9) current listings …
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The New HARP loan, home affordable refinance program, that is in the works looks like it will help millions of underwater home owners refinance into the current low market rates. Please contact MOrgan Fianncial today at 321-757-3570 for details.
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