can I benefit from the homeowner mortgage help bill if I am currently in a forbearance?

Posted on Mar 10, 2025 in HARP Refinance

Question by mimi: How much could I afford for a house with this income?
I am planning to get a house in corpus christi texas. Between my husband in eye we make 69, dosage pharmacy 888 a year. Do home owners look at income before taxes? And what loan amount could I be qualified? I know I need to talk to a loan agent, but I am just getting opinions. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by godged
Income is important, but what is more important is your debt to income, how much you owe vs. how much you make. Home owners do not look at anything, your lender does.

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Question by susan_s53051: can I benefit from the homeowner mortgage help bill if I am currently in a forbearance?
With Obama’s new bill he passed, try if I am in a conventional loan, and in a forbearance, will I qualify for either a refi or loan modification?

Best answer:

Answer by Cookie On My Mind
Definitely contact your mortgage company and ask!!!! Most mortgage companies nowadays are very willing to HELP you keep your home. Homes going into foreclosure is expensive for them, they’d rather have you stay in your home. I’m sure there is a program to help you. Good luck!

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