
Posted on Jan 9, 2025 in Real Estate Info

Question by : Are FHA Private Mortgage Insurance Monthly Premiums tax deductible if you bought a home in 2011?
I saw that homes purchased between 2007 and 2010 that were financed with FHA loans allow for the FHA Monthly mortgage insurance premiums to be tax deductible if you itemize. Does this include any homes purchased in 2011?

Best answer:

Answer by Landlord
No PMI is not deductable

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stated income mortgage loan
by eyewashdesign: A. Golden

Income Mortgage Stated – Get a Loan Without Proof of Income

There is an income mortgage stated program that is a type of mortgage loan program where it is actually part of the “no-doc” and the “low doc” loans. This means that there isn’t normally any documentation required for the loan to be approved. This makes the loan very popular among many people as they do not have to first run around and find documentation to prove their income and other information.

When you go for a conventional mortgage you will pay back less interest, prostate but it might be more difficult for you because you will have to provide the following;

Last three paychecks
Return tax forms for the last two years
A list of all creditors
Two month bank statement
Certain legal documents

In some cases these will not even be all of the documents you need. Some places could be more strict than others when it comes to who they loan money to, malady but this is the best way because you will not have such a high interest to pay back.

It should be very reasonable.

With the income mortgage stated you will not need all of that information just to get the loan. If you have a stable job but you cannot prove that you have a stable income you will choose this type of loan. However, you should at least have a good credit history when you want to apply for a loan like this one. All you would need to do besides have good credit is be able to state your income for the past two years or longer.

Remember that with this loan you will probably pay back a lot as the interest will be higher. So it is great for the time when you need the money, but when reality hits months later that you need X amount to start your repayments, many people find themselves in situations where they cannot cope.

just make sure that you understand the terms under which the loan is taken and that you will be able to pay it back, no matter what the interest rate may be.

More informaiton please visit here… Stated Income Loans – FREE Ebook helps you Find MILLIONS in Private Money FAST for Real Estate Investing! Bad Credit? No Problem! No more having to qualify!

If you would like to see more homes click here…

Question by : Does having a child (a dependent) give you any help in getting a FHA loan? Or more $ in it?
I am looking online at mortgage loan calculators and “what you can afford” calculators. One asked more details questions: What state and county am I in, visit this and how many children do I have. Does having a child give us a better chance of getting a higher amount in our loan? I have a baby on the way, so I am just interested in how it works. Any help is appreciated thanks!
Edit: When I told the calculator that I did have one dependent, it gave me almost 10k more. Not less.

Best answer:

Answer by Janet P
It shoud not really effect it, but it lowers the amount of spendable income you have every month, children do not increase it.

What do you think? Answer below!

Verify out these castle images:

Image by Miroslav Petrasko (
Yet another actually old shot of the Bojnice Castle. The good quality of the photo was not that wonderful (I had no concept about photography when I took this photo :)) so i tried my best. HDR from a single photo, this web taken with a Fujifilm Finepix S5000 camera.

Much more excellent houses click right here…

Castle of Platamon
Image by Ava Babili
The castle of Platamon is a fortress-town of the middle Byzantine period (10th century A.D.). It lies at the south-east foot of mount Olympos, pilule at a strategic position which controls the route top from Macedonia to Thessaly and South Greece.

Excavations carried out in 1995 brought to light the traces of a Hellenistic fortification, dated to the 4th century B.C. This confirms the suggestion that the site of the castle was occupied by the ancient city of Herakleion, &quotthe first city of Macedonia…&quot after the Tempe valley, according to an ancient literary supply dated to 360 B.C. Habitation on the web site continued until the 4th century A.D. The Byzantine wall was restored by the Franks after 1204 and again by the Byzantines in the 14th century. At the finish of the 14th century the fortress was captured by the Turks and was once again rebuilt but its inhabitants continued to be Christians. In the Second Globe War (1941) it was bombed by the German army.

A lot more information right here

For more houses click here…


  1. Great shot, Miroslav! Such a majestic sightm and you captured it beautifully!

  2. Quite an attractive shot.

  3. Beautiful shot
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  6. straight out of a faity tale! nice one!
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  16. spooky
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  20. Great shot!

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  25. Amazing Capture and processing !!! Well done my friend !!!
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    Emil9497 - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

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  30. Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Historical and architectural gems, and we’d love to have this added to the group!

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  35. Thank you for sharing this lovely shot.

    Group logo for Historical and Architectural Gems

  36. superb , so beautiful !

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  37. Hi, I’m an admin for a group called ◄♫☼♥ ToGeTher ♥☼♫►, and we’d love to have this added to the group!

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    junog007 - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

  39. Excellent perspective!

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    You are MY WINNER!
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    Invited with SOS

  40. Excellent view.

  41. WINNER
    Definitely a winner!!!
    You deserve another one.
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  42. WINNER
    Definitely a winner!!!
    You deserve another one.
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  43. Wow, a perfect landscape with a beautiful composition, I love, congratulations

    Sunset on the mountain

  44. Beautiful picture and very informative!

    This Great Photographic Art was made by a Diamond Class Photographer!
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  45. —————-

    You deserve "Another Diamond" on your Great Photo!
    I have seen your Great Photographic Art in: Flickr Diamond: The Diamond Class Photographer
    commented with SICI

  46. ah! that’s a good one!
    PS. I learn so much from your informative notes… thank you!

  47. so beautiful shot…very interesting history, thanks for sharing the information.

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  48. fantastic scenery

  49. fotonion
    moon and sun award
    you are invited to post it at places of magic in Greece pool

  50. Seen on your photo stream. (?)

    Definitely a winner!!!
    You deserve another one.
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    Commented with SIC

  51. Thanks for the description Ava. It brings this magnificent site "to life".
    moon and sun award
    I saw this magical photo at places of magic in Greece pool

  52. Great picture!

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  53. Nice composition – I like this photo alot

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  54. Lovely capture.

  55. Please post similar content.

  56. Excellent work in the article discussing finance.