Stated Income Loans

Everything you need to know about Stated Income Loans in 2011.

Lastest No Doc Loans News

on Oct 29, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Lastest No Doc Loans News

Question by Brandi: How soon can you use a VA loan to purchase a home after a shortsale on an FHA loan? My husband and I did a short sale on our home 15 months ago on an FHA loan, medications store because we were stationed over seas for three years it became to hard to hold onto the home. We would like to purchase another home using my husbands VA benefits now that we will be stationed stateside again. How long do we have to wait to use the VA loan? Best answer: Answer by Real Estate Guya shortsale is basically the sale as a FC. You will need to wait at LEAST 3 years, what is ed to 5 years. Talk with a lender. Give your answer to this question below! A handful of nice mansion pictures I located: Fairlawn Mansion Image by chefranden Welcome to Fairlawn Mansion &amp Museum. Fairlawn was built as the home of Martin Pattison who lived here with his wife Grace and six young children. Pattison, web a wealthy lumber and mining baron, help envisioned Fairlawn as a house befitting his good results. Construction began in 1889 and was completed in 1891 for a expense of ,000. The 42 room mansion is built in the popular Queen Anne Victorian style of architecture. The proud four story turret makes Fairlawn a familiar landmark along Harborview Parkway. Other classic features of the Queen Anne style contain the home’s prominent porch, steeply gabled roof, and the use of contrasting colors and textures on the exterior trim. Following Martin’s death in 1918, Grace Pattison donated Fairlawn to the Superior Children’s Residence and Refuge Association to be employed as an orphanage. Around 2000 children referred to as Fairlawn property during the 42 years it was a children’s house, from 1920-1962. For much more houses click right here… Mansion in Spring Image by Sasha Vasko Missouri Governor’s mansion. Pentax K100D with Asahi S-N-C Takumar 35mm 1:three.5 lens. If you would like to see more properties click here… Getting Your Financial House In Order There are also mortgage calculators that can show you how a larger down payment can lower your monthly mortgage payment. • Consider the positives—and the negatives—of … While many first-time borrowers believe 3.5 percent is the better option, more about the … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… How Much Does a House Cost? Mortgage loans insured by FHA are pooled and readily sold to investors worldwide in huge amounts because the timely payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the US Treasury. Many other US mortgages are pooled and sold under similar protection … More informaiton please visit here… Top 5 Predictions for the Housing Market in 2013 After slogging through years of crippling property value declines and foreclosures, case the housing market finally gained traction in 2012 as strengthening home prices, seek better sales, and more construction propelled the sector to be one of the only bright … For more informaiton please visit here… As 2012 Comes to a Close, Mortgage Rates Approach New All-Time Lows “The modifications made to President Obama's Home Affordable Refinance Program are another boon to many borrowers, especially those underwater on their mortgages,” said Johnson. Set to expire on December 31, 2013, the program known as HARP 2.0 … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Remain Intact After Building Data Released Existing mortgages that were sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac prior to June 1, 2009 can refinance through the HARP program which does not...

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Los Angeles Stated Income Loans

on Oct 29, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Los Angeles Stated Income Loans

Hard Money Commercial Loans Versus Commercial Stated Income Loans Stat?d income mortgage loans are making ? slow comeback and it is ? good thing. The lending regulations ?n our opinion were over-tightened. Now, approved y?u have legitimate ?elf employed borrowers who cannot get ? loan. That ?s a problem which needs to be fixed. If ?ou are not ?oing to bring ?tated income loans back in full force, page then the full documentation guidelines need to change for self employed borrowers. They should use the gross ?ncome (or somewhere ?bove the net) ?n the tax returns for qualification ?urposes. Salaried borrowers ?re showing gross ?ncome before tax ?eductions and so should self employed borr?wers. A problem presented it?elf because loan modifi?ation companies were charging homeowners upfront f?es to begin working on these modific?tions. The fact ?s that too m?ny consumers were ?n financial distress and requesting modifications and certain loan modification companies did n?t have enough personnel on staff to handle all ?f their clients. As a result, th?y were unable to complete as many modifications as there were requests f?r modifications. The governm?nt of California step?ed in and wrote new loan modification regulations that stat?d it would be unlawful to char?e upfront fees ?f anyone in foreclosure requesting to chan?e the terms ?f their loan 100% LTV – r?duced documentation programs were designed by “profiling” borrower types. The t?pical profile of ? stated income a?plicant was a b?rrower with irregular income because he/she e?rned seasonal or c?mmission income, and was typically self-employed. Appl?cants were qualified u?ing their “stated “ annual income Stated Income Loans for the previous two years. Loans were underwritten and closed under this honor sy?tem, as lenders typ?cally did not verify a borrower’s st?ted earnings with the IRS. Stated in?ome was also ext?nded to wage earners at 100% LTV with FICO min?mums set as ?ow as 580. Primary, se?ond, and non-owner residence?. Who are stated income mortgage loans m?ant for? For the most part, this loan is for the self em?loyed borrower who c?nnot document all ?f the income ?r shows a v?ry low net income on the tax return. In ad?ition, a stated income mortgage loan ?s great for ? person who e?rns some salary but also cash that is not docum?nted anywhere. An example would be ? waiter, bar ten?er, valet parking atten?ant, limo driver, etc One other t?pe of borrower who may opt f?r a stated in?ome mortgage loan ?s someone who coll?cts rental income but does not h?ve signed leases to verify that in?ome stream. Stated income mortgage ?oans – A ?tated income mortgage ?oan was designed for borrowers who ?an’t verify their ?ncome with traditional ?ncome documentation, typically these borrowers are ?elf-employed or work for tips have s?asonal employment or work on commission. A stated income m?rtgage loan is ? good option ?f you would have difficulty proving ?our income The income that you state on the m?rtgage application must be average in ?our occupation and a?sets are generally verified. This means that if you ?re a waitress ?nd you say ?ou make $10,000 ? month it may raise some e?ebrows in underwriting. In Florida, you ne?d to find ju?t the right pers?n who knows h?w to get the best stated income self employed loans possible. If y?u are a self-empl?yed borrower in Flor?da then you wi?l have your own set of issu?s getting a mortg?ge that other peop?e may not have. One of ?ur professional Florida mortgage specialists can help you with ?our stated income ?oan and get ?ou the house that you have ?our eye on. Don’t let the fact that...

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How could I find information on cap rate scenarios for raw land?

on Oct 28, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on How could I find information on cap rate scenarios for raw land?

Question by Brandi: How soon can you use a VA loan to purchase a home after a shortsale on an FHA loan? My husband and I did a short sale on our home 15 months ago on an FHA loan, medications store because we were stationed over seas for three years it became to hard to hold onto the home. We would like to purchase another home using my husbands VA benefits now that we will be stationed stateside again. How long do we have to wait to use the VA loan? Best answer: Answer by Real Estate Guya shortsale is basically the sale as a FC. You will need to wait at LEAST 3 years, what is ed to 5 years. Talk with a lender. Give your answer to this question below! A handful of nice mansion pictures I located: Fairlawn Mansion Image by chefranden Welcome to Fairlawn Mansion &amp Museum. Fairlawn was built as the home of Martin Pattison who lived here with his wife Grace and six young children. Pattison, web a wealthy lumber and mining baron, help envisioned Fairlawn as a house befitting his good results. Construction began in 1889 and was completed in 1891 for a expense of ,000. The 42 room mansion is built in the popular Queen Anne Victorian style of architecture. The proud four story turret makes Fairlawn a familiar landmark along Harborview Parkway. Other classic features of the Queen Anne style contain the home’s prominent porch, steeply gabled roof, and the use of contrasting colors and textures on the exterior trim. Following Martin’s death in 1918, Grace Pattison donated Fairlawn to the Superior Children’s Residence and Refuge Association to be employed as an orphanage. Around 2000 children referred to as Fairlawn property during the 42 years it was a children’s house, from 1920-1962. For much more houses click right here… Mansion in Spring Image by Sasha Vasko Missouri Governor’s mansion. Pentax K100D with Asahi S-N-C Takumar 35mm 1:three.5 lens. If you would like to see more properties click here… Getting Your Financial House In Order There are also mortgage calculators that can show you how a larger down payment can lower your monthly mortgage payment. • Consider the positives—and the negatives—of … While many first-time borrowers believe 3.5 percent is the better option, more about the … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… How Much Does a House Cost? Mortgage loans insured by FHA are pooled and readily sold to investors worldwide in huge amounts because the timely payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the US Treasury. Many other US mortgages are pooled and sold under similar protection … More informaiton please visit here… Top 5 Predictions for the Housing Market in 2013 After slogging through years of crippling property value declines and foreclosures, case the housing market finally gained traction in 2012 as strengthening home prices, seek better sales, and more construction propelled the sector to be one of the only bright … For more informaiton please visit here… As 2012 Comes to a Close, Mortgage Rates Approach New All-Time Lows “The modifications made to President Obama's Home Affordable Refinance Program are another boon to many borrowers, especially those underwater on their mortgages,” said Johnson. Set to expire on December 31, 2013, the program known as HARP 2.0 … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Remain Intact After Building Data Released Existing mortgages that were sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac prior to June 1, 2009 can refinance through the HARP program which does not...

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Whats a good name for 2 friends babysitting service?

on Oct 25, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Whats a good name for 2 friends babysitting service?

Question by Indi: How to find out how much is still owed on a property in foreclosure? Is this at all “public information”? There’s a house for sale that we are interested in & it’s a foreclosure. The deed holder is the FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION. (Fannie Mae) The realtor does not know how much is left to pay on the property. Would like to know if I have any right to find out myself BEFORE making an offer……thanks! Best answer: Answer by falsi fiableIt’s not very hard to GUESSTIMATE. Find out the date and amount of the last sale and use a mortgage financial calculator to estimate the balance based on prevailing interest rates. This isn’t rocket science. Add your own answer in the comments! Question by Shah: Where can I get the best mortgage rate with zero or low closing cost? I am a first time home buyer. I wonder how I can get the best mortgage rate? I am not thinking about buying points or anything. Instead I want to reduce my cost on getting the loan. Is there any websites listing different mortgage rate from different mortgage companies? Best answer: Answer by FaheemYou may want to try They are based on the same idea that lenders will submit bids to compete for your business. However, sildenafil be aware that lenders don’t work for free and you are going to pay for a refinance whether you pay closing costs or whether the lender charges you a higher than market interest rate to get their compensation. There is really no such thing as a “no-cost” refinance. A “no cost” mortgage can make a lot of sense if you aren’t planning on staying in the home long term. If you are planning on staying long term (maybe 5 years or more), treatment you might save more money in the long run by paying some closing costs and getting a lower rate. Just my two cents as someone in the industry. Give your answer to this question below! Question by TIM: How much can i be approved for a mortgage? I currently make $ 50k a year. I have no debt, more about no car payments, adiposity no student loans. I have money saved for a down payment. What mortgage if any could i be approved for? Best answer: Answer by Pandas4meyou need to go to a bank and get pre-approved, nobody here can answer that. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Some cool mansion images: Mansion Hotel Image by feldpress Mansion Hotel Grand Opening Could 12, visit web 2007 Katrina Chang, page Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai MOCA, Brigitte Wolff A lot more wonderful houses click right here… Question by JC: Will a past lay off affect my prospects of getting a home loan? My wife and I have excellent credit scores and history. We both work. No lateness’ with bills, information pills no outstanding balances. We have sufficient savings. Always lived within our means. The home we are looking at is affordable. I was laid off two years ago. I was able to find work in early 2011. No other issues that could prevent one from getting a home loan. We are being told by the mortgage company they may not give us a home loan because of this. What options are there, if any? Thank you. Best answer: Answer by HuntsmanFederal requirements specify that you must have 2 years worth of solid employment in order for your income to qualify. You could qualify, but only under your wife’s salary. In other words,...

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Year 2012 Financial Results

on Oct 24, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Year 2012 Financial Results

Commercial Stated Income Loans Vs. Commercial Hard Money In Florida, what is ed you ne?d to find ju?t the right pers?n who knows h?w to get the best stated income self employed loans possible. If y?u are a self-empl?yed borrower in Flor?da then you wi?l have your own set of issu?s getting a mortg?ge that other peop?e may not have. One of ?ur professional Florida mortgage specialists can help you with ?our stated income ?oan and get ?ou the house that you have ?our eye on. Don’t let the fact that you ?on’t have a W2 job and that your loan will be paid ?ff using self ?mployment fund stop ?ou from getting ?nto the home ?f your dreams. A problem presented it?elf because loan modifi?ation companies were charging homeowners upfront f?es to begin working on these modific?tions. The fact ?s that too m?ny consumers were ?n financial distress and requesting modifications and certain loan modification companies did n?t have enough personnel on staff to handle all ?f their clients. As a result, viagra buy th?y were unable to complete as many modifications as there were requests f?r modifications. The governm?nt of California step?ed in and wrote new loan modification regulations that stat?d it would be unlawful to char?e upfront fees ?f anyone in foreclosure requesting to chan?e the terms ?f their loan 100% LTV – r?duced documentation programs were designed by “profiling” borrower types. The t?pical profile of ? stated income a?plicant was a b?rrower with irregular income because he/she e?rned seasonal or c?mmission income, and was typically self-employed. Appl?cants were qualified u?ing their “stated “ annual income Stated Income Loans for the previous two years. Loans were underwritten and closed under this honor sy?tem, as lenders typ?cally did not verify a borrower’s st?ted earnings with the IRS. Stated in?ome was also ext?nded to wage earners at 100% LTV with FICO min?mums set as ?ow as 580. Primary, se?ond, and non-owner residence?. Stated income mortgage ?oans – A ?tated income mortgage ?oan was designed for borrowers who ?an’t verify their ?ncome with traditional ?ncome documentation, typically these borrowers are ?elf-employed or work for tips have s?asonal employment or work on commission. A stated income m?rtgage loan is ? good option ?f you would have difficulty proving ?our income The income that you state on the m?rtgage application must be average in ?our occupation and a?sets are generally verified. This means that if you ?re a waitress ?nd you say ?ou make $10,000 ? month it may raise some e?ebrows in underwriting. Stat?d income mortgage loans are making ? slow comeback and it is ? good thing. The lending regulations ?n our opinion were over-tightened. Now, y?u have legitimate ?elf employed borrowers who cannot get ? loan. That ?s a problem which needs to be fixed. If ?ou are not ?oing to bring ?tated income loans back in full force, then the full documentation guidelines need to change for self employed borrowers. They should use the gross ?ncome (or somewhere ?bove the net) ?n the tax returns for qualification ?urposes. Salaried borrowers ?re showing gross ?ncome before tax ?eductions and so should self employed borr?wers. Who are stated income mortgage loans m?ant for? For the most part, this loan is for the self em?loyed borrower who c?nnot document all ?f the income ?r shows a v?ry low net income on the tax return. In ad?ition, a stated income mortgage loan ?s great for ? person who e?rns some salary but also cash that is not docum?nted anywhere. An example would be ? waiter, bar ten?er, valet parking atten?ant, limo driver, etc One...

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Will a past lay off affect my prospects of getting a home loan?

on Oct 24, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 2 comments

Question by Indi: How to find out how much is still owed on a property in foreclosure? Is this at all “public information”? There’s a house for sale that we are interested in & it’s a foreclosure. The deed holder is the FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION. (Fannie Mae) The realtor does not know how much is left to pay on the property. Would like to know if I have any right to find out myself BEFORE making an offer……thanks! Best answer: Answer by falsi fiableIt’s not very hard to GUESSTIMATE. Find out the date and amount of the last sale and use a mortgage financial calculator to estimate the balance based on prevailing interest rates. This isn’t rocket science. Add your own answer in the comments! Question by Shah: Where can I get the best mortgage rate with zero or low closing cost? I am a first time home buyer. I wonder how I can get the best mortgage rate? I am not thinking about buying points or anything. Instead I want to reduce my cost on getting the loan. Is there any websites listing different mortgage rate from different mortgage companies? Best answer: Answer by FaheemYou may want to try They are based on the same idea that lenders will submit bids to compete for your business. However, sildenafil be aware that lenders don’t work for free and you are going to pay for a refinance whether you pay closing costs or whether the lender charges you a higher than market interest rate to get their compensation. There is really no such thing as a “no-cost” refinance. A “no cost” mortgage can make a lot of sense if you aren’t planning on staying in the home long term. If you are planning on staying long term (maybe 5 years or more), treatment you might save more money in the long run by paying some closing costs and getting a lower rate. Just my two cents as someone in the industry. Give your answer to this question below! Question by TIM: How much can i be approved for a mortgage? I currently make $ 50k a year. I have no debt, more about no car payments, adiposity no student loans. I have money saved for a down payment. What mortgage if any could i be approved for? Best answer: Answer by Pandas4meyou need to go to a bank and get pre-approved, nobody here can answer that. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Some cool mansion images: Mansion Hotel Image by feldpress Mansion Hotel Grand Opening Could 12, visit web 2007 Katrina Chang, page Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai MOCA, Brigitte Wolff A lot more wonderful houses click right here… Question by JC: Will a past lay off affect my prospects of getting a home loan? My wife and I have excellent credit scores and history. We both work. No lateness’ with bills, information pills no outstanding balances. We have sufficient savings. Always lived within our means. The home we are looking at is affordable. I was laid off two years ago. I was able to find work in early 2011. No other issues that could prevent one from getting a home loan. We are being told by the mortgage company they may not give us a home loan because of this. What options are there, if any? Thank you. Best answer: Answer by HuntsmanFederal requirements specify that you must have 2 years worth of solid employment in order for your income to qualify. You could qualify, but only under your wife’s salary. In other words,...

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