Stated Income Loans

Everything you need to know about Stated Income Loans in 2011.

Can you buy a home with crappy credit?

on Jul 28, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 4 comments

by eyewashdesign: A. Golden Question by krayz: do you have income with a reverse mortgage loan? I’m having trouble finding the law that states the answers for these. I’m only looking for the law that will answer my questions. When I take my monthly draw from the bank from my reverse mortgage loan is that considered income? Also can I deduct the interest when it is added to the outstanding loan balance each month. Best answer: Answer by FreakOfNature2000Yes you get a monthly income based on your situation but its a big rip off. Don’t do it. Give your answer to this question below! Question by The Mace: I’m trying to get a hold of someone at Chase Home Finance that deals with problems.? I’m trying to solidify my loan w/Chase Home Finance but they farm out the jobs to third world countries (Philippines). I’m always put on hold or the call is disconnected. I cannot get a hold of anyone that can help in the US and it’s getting really frustrating. Can someone provide an email address, more about of Chase Home Finance folks (professionals hopefully), this web that I can talk to or someone who can actually look into or solve my pay-off problem? Best answer: Answer by DavidSo is everyone else. That is why you shouldn’t use chase. Give your answer to this question below! Verify out these chateau photos: Château de Chenonceau Image by roger4336 Château de Chenonceau was constructed in 1515-1521. It was built across the Cher River, page east of Tours. It fell into the hands of the French crown. King Henri II gave it to his mistress, viagra approved Diane de Poitiers. Immediately after Henr1’s death in 1959, his widow, Catherine de Medici, took the chateau. Each of these ladies designed a significant garden, which nonetheless has her name. Chenonceau has been owned since 1913 by the Menier family members, which is recognized for chocolates. The chateau is called Chenonceau, but the nearby village is Chenonceaux. For a lot more residences click here… Chateau de la Beuvriere Image by Kentishman Chateau de la Beuvriere, St Hilaire de Court, Cher, France If you would like to see far more properties click right here… Château fort Image by ManuB. Château d’Anjony, à proximité du village de Tournemire. Ce château a été bâti au 15e siècle et est typique des petites forteresses de montagne de cette époque. For much more houses click here… Question by **4-22-2010**: Will home interest rates go back down or are the going to continue rising? Want to refinance my home, visit this site Wondering if I should wait a little bit, more about or do it now before they really start to climb back up. Best answer: Answer by JohnThey’re going to continue to rise, so if you’re looking to refinance you should try to do it now (though if your house doesn’t appraise for what you owe on it, you *may* not be able to) Add your own answer in the comments! FHA Streamline Refinance : Basic Qualification Requirements FHA mortgage rates are making new, price all-time lows while — at the same time — FHA mortgage insurance premiums (MIP) are gearing up for an increase. … Especially those in high closing cost states such as New York, thumb Texas and Pennsylvania. Get FHA … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… by KKfromBB Question by Satan Lives! God must Die: Can you buy a home with crappy credit? I want to buy a home but my credit and wifes credit is bad my credit score is...

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do you have income with a reverse mortgage loan?

on Jul 26, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 1 comment

by eyewashdesign: A. Golden Question by krayz: do you have income with a reverse mortgage loan? I’m having trouble finding the law that states the answers for these. I’m only looking for the law that will answer my questions. When I take my monthly draw from the bank from my reverse mortgage loan is that considered income? Also can I deduct the interest when it is added to the outstanding loan balance each month. Best answer: Answer by FreakOfNature2000Yes you get a monthly income based on your situation but its a big rip off. Don’t do it. Give your answer to this question...

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Government Mortgage Versus Conventional Home Loans – Mortgage Refinancing Differences

on Jul 25, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Government Mortgage Versus Conventional Home Loans – Mortgage Refinancing Differences

$$: Stated Income Home Loans Easy Approval Within 24 Hours. In Florida, thumb you ne?d to find ju?t the right pers?n who knows h?w to get the best stated income self employed loans possible. If y?u are a self-empl?yed borrower in Flor?da then you wi?l have your own set of issu?s getting a mortg?ge that other peop?e may not have. One of ?ur professional Florida mortgage specialists can help you with ?our stated income ?oan and get ?ou the house that you have ?our eye on. Don’t let the fact that you ?on’t have a W2 job and that your loan will be paid ?ff using self ?mployment fund stop ?ou from getting ?nto the home ?f your dreams. A problem presented it?elf because loan modifi?ation companies were charging homeowners upfront f?es to begin working on these modific?tions. The fact ?s that too m?ny consumers were ?n financial distress and requesting modifications and certain loan modification companies did n?t have enough personnel on staff to handle all ?f their clients. As a result, th?y were unable to complete as many modifications as there were requests f?r modifications. The governm?nt of California step?ed in and wrote new loan modification regulations that stat?d it would be unlawful to char?e upfront fees ?f anyone in foreclosure requesting to chan?e the terms ?f their loan Who are stated income mortgage loans m?ant for? For the most part, this loan is for the self em?loyed borrower who c?nnot document all ?f the income ?r shows a v?ry low net income on the tax return. In ad?ition, a stated income mortgage loan ?s great for ? person who e?rns some salary but also Stated Income Loans cash that is not docum?nted anywhere. An example would be ? waiter, bar ten?er, valet parking atten?ant, limo driver, etc One other t?pe of borrower who may opt f?r a stated in?ome mortgage loan ?s someone who coll?cts rental income but does not h?ve signed leases to verify that in?ome stream. 100% LTV – r?duced documentation programs were designed by “profiling” borrower types. The t?pical profile of ? stated income a?plicant was a b?rrower with irregular income because he/she e?rned seasonal or c?mmission income, and was typically self-employed. Appl?cants were qualified u?ing their “stated “ annual income for the previous two years. Loans were underwritten and closed under this honor sy?tem, as lenders typ?cally did not verify a borrower’s st?ted earnings with the IRS. Stated in?ome was also ext?nded to wage earners at 100% LTV with FICO min?mums set as ?ow as 580. Primary, se?ond, and non-owner residence?. Stated income mortgage ?oans – A ?tated income mortgage ?oan was designed for borrowers who ?an’t verify their ?ncome with traditional ?ncome documentation, typically these borrowers are ?elf-employed or work for tips have s?asonal employment or work on commission. A stated income m?rtgage loan is ? good option ?f you would have difficulty proving ?our income The income that you state on the m?rtgage application must be average in ?our occupation and a?sets are generally verified. This means that if you ?re a waitress ?nd you say ?ou make $10,000 ? month it may raise some e?ebrows in underwriting. Stat?d income mortgage loans are making ? slow comeback and it is ? good thing. The lending regulations ?n our opinion were over-tightened. Now, y?u have legitimate ?elf employed borrowers who cannot get ? loan. That ?s a problem which needs to be fixed. If ?ou are not ?oing to bring ?tated income loans back in full force, then the full documentation guidelines need to change for self employed borrowers. They should use the gross...

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Q&A: How do you know whether the bank classes your home loan as a “subprime” loan?

on Jul 24, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 5 comments

Some cool castle photos: Castle Roche – HDR?? Image by cranneyanthony Castle Roche – HDR?? Far more excellent homes click right here… Castle Ruins Image by Lee Jordan Taken on a black country flickrmeet at Dudley Castle For far more properties click here… by Vietnam Plants & America plants Question by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup: How do you know whether the bank classes your home loan as a “subprime” loan? My loan is fixed rate, more about my monthly payment is fairly low, treatment and I put down a large downpayment. But it was my first home, and I find myself wondering if I had a “bad risk” loan or a normal home loan, after hearing constant talk about “the subprime lending debacle”. Any info you can offer will be appreciated. Best answer: Answer by rickIf you put a substantial down payment and have decent credit then chances are real good that you are not in a sub prime loan as these loans are typically out of the ordinary type loans such as no-doc, stated income or even 100% financing which I don’t even think you can get anymore. When in doubt call your lender and ask. Know better? Leave your own answer in the...

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How often are people who are applying for low doc loans being audited?

on Jul 22, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on How often are people who are applying for low doc loans being audited?

by Vietnam Plants & America plants Question by jellofosho: How often are people who are applying for low doc loans being audited? Just wondering in todays market (july 2008) what percentage of people applying for low doc loans are being audited? whats the likelyhood? audited by the irs Best answer: Answer by bud68Audited by whom? Give your answer to this question...

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Help to find the tools which are help to select the keywords?

on Jul 17, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Help to find the tools which are help to select the keywords?

by marsmet526 Question by schatziepupos: Is there a program for home owners who are now underwater on their mortgages? I did a refinance on Our home with an appraisal of 235k now My home is only appraised at 153-165k. Best answer: Answer by JudyThe government can contact your current mortgage holder and see if something can be worked out. You may be able to re-fi and they could cut down “forgive” “forbearance” of some of your amount. It’s worth calling them. It’s a free service by the feds – HUD. Also try – its practically the same thing – just an older website They may be easier to contact by phone since the first site is kind of new. / Give your answer to this question below! Question by dancingshlee4285: How long after buying a home can you refinance? My husband I just bought home in July 2008 for 87k. Our interest rate is at 6.25. With the mortgage rates falling because of the economy, this we would like to refinance to pay off some bills and to get a lower rate. We are first time home buyers and have a fixed 30 year FHA loan. Do we have to wait one whole year to finance or can we do it now? Best answer: Answer by WoodySmart move. It depends on the fine print of your current loan. Does it have prepayment penalties or any other ugly clauses? I suggest you simply call your current lender and tell them you are thinking of doing and see what they say. They may even give you a break on document fees and closing costs to stay with them, although it may not matter with FHA. I just built a new home, closed in Sept for 6.34% and refinanced with a different lender for 4.75% in April. Tip – you can fold the closing costs and doic fees into the new loan if you don’t want to lay out the cash. Your monthly payment will still be much lower. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Some cool castle images: Sandal Castle Image by SFB579 🙂 The castle, more about with pugneys waterpark behind. Far more excellent houses click right here… Castle of Alanya Image by ozgurmulazimoglu Alanya Castle (Alanya Kalesi) is a medieval castle in the southern Turkish city of Alanya. Most of the castle was constructed in the 13th century below the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm following the city’s conquest in 1220 by Alaeddin Keykubad I as part of a building campaign that included the K?z?l Kule. This castle was constructed on the remnants of earlier Byzantine era and Roman era fortifications. The castle is situated 250 meters higher on a rocky peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean Sea, information pills which protects it from three sides. Right after the region was pacified below the Ottoman Empire, the castle ceased to be purely defensive, and several villas have been constructed inside the walls in the course of the 19th century. Right now the creating is an open air museum. Access to the seaward castle is ticketed, but significantly of the region inside the wall, which includes the landward castle is open to the general public. Türkçe: Surlar?n?n uzunlu?u 6.5 kilometreyi bulan Alanya Kalesi, denizden 250 metreye kadar yükselen yar?mada üzerindedir… Kandeleri ad?yla da bilinen Alanya yar?madas?ndaki yerle?im, Helenistik döneme kadar inmekle birlikte günümüze kalan tarihi dokusu 13. yüzy?l Selçuklu eseridir. Kale, 1221 y?l?nda kenti al?p yeniden in?a ettiren Selçuklu Sultan? Alaaddin Keykubat taraf?ndan yapt?r?lm??t?r. Kalenin 83 kulesi ve 140 burcu vard?r. Ortaça?da surlar?n içine yerle?mi? kentin su...

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