Stated Income Loans

Everything you need to know about Stated Income Loans in 2011.

With the recent mortgage crisis, is it still possible to do no-doc loans?

on May 6, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 1 comment

Some cool castle pictures: Castle in Tallinn at night Image by neilalderney123 Castle in Tallinn at night If you would like to see more properties click right here… Question by Mscandia68: With the recent mortgage crisis, pills is it still possible to do no-doc loans? I have a good credit score (720) and a decent down payment (20 %) but I have only been at my job 6 months, stomach and I don’t work there in the summer. I will have to find seasonal summer work and I know that usually doesn’t count in the calculation. I plan to have a roommate to help me make the payments. Are there any reputable mortgage companies that still offer a no-doc loan based on good credit? Best answer: Answer by Shannon JWere are you located? It could be possible but you want to make sure you are able to pay for the loan. A mortgage broker or loan offer may be able to shop the loan for you(normally a little higher interest rate than a bank). Banks are more challenging but with your scores you may want to talk to your personal bank about a loan. With your scores and a downpayment this is likely. There is other things that would be considered such as assets, savings and ira accounts. Your dept ratio is what it would all boil down to. If you have someone else that would be going on the loan with you and they have some decent credit it could be even more of a chance of an approval. Be carefull….don’t let everyone pull your credit. Give your answer to this question...

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Pros And Cons About HUD Loan Modification

on May 6, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Pros And Cons About HUD Loan Modification

Stated Income Self Employed Loans Florida Who are stated income mortgage loans m?ant for? For the most part, web this loan is for the self em?loyed borrower who c?nnot document all ?f the income ?r shows a v?ry low net income on the tax return. In ad?ition, for sale a stated income mortgage loan ?s great for ? person who e?rns some salary but also cash that is not docum?nted anywhere. An example would be ? waiter, story bar ten?er, valet parking atten?ant, limo driver, etc One other t?pe of borrower who may opt f?r a stated in?ome mortgage loan ?s someone who coll?cts rental income but does not h?ve signed leases to verify that in?ome stream. In Florida, you ne?d to find ju?t the right pers?n who knows h?w to get the best stated income self employed loans possible. If y?u are a self-empl?yed borrower in Flor?da then you wi?l have your own set of issu?s getting a mortg?ge that other peop?e may not have. One of ?ur professional Stated Income Loans Florida mortgage specialists can help you with ?our stated income ?oan and get ?ou the house that you have ?our eye on. Don’t let the fact that you ?on’t have a W2 job and that your loan will be paid ?ff using self ?mployment fund stop ?ou from getting ?nto the home ?f your dreams. Stat?d income mortgage loans are making ? slow comeback and it is ? good thing. The lending regulations ?n our opinion were over-tightened. Now, y?u have legitimate ?elf employed borrowers who cannot get ? loan. That ?s a problem which needs to be fixed. If ?ou are not ?oing to bring ?tated income loans back in full force, then the full documentation guidelines need to change for self employed borrowers. They should use the gross ?ncome (or somewhere ?bove the net) ?n the tax returns for qualification ?urposes. Salaried borrowers ?re showing gross ?ncome before tax ?eductions and so should self employed borr?wers. A problem presented it?elf because loan modifi?ation companies were charging homeowners upfront f?es to begin working on these modific?tions. The fact ?s that too m?ny consumers were ?n financial distress and requesting modifications and certain loan modification companies did n?t have enough personnel on staff to handle all ?f their clients. As a result, th?y were unable to complete as many modifications as there were requests f?r modifications. The governm?nt of California step?ed in and wrote new loan modification regulations that stat?d it would be unlawful to char?e upfront fees ?f anyone in foreclosure requesting to chan?e the terms ?f their loan Stated income mortgage ?oans – A ?tated income mortgage ?oan was designed for borrowers who ?an’t verify their ?ncome with traditional ?ncome documentation, typically these borrowers are ?elf-employed or work for tips have s?asonal employment or work on commission. A stated income m?rtgage loan is ? good option ?f you would have difficulty proving ?our income The income that you state on the m?rtgage application must be average in ?our occupation and a?sets are generally verified. This means that if you ?re a waitress ?nd you say ?ou make $10,000 ? month it may raise some e?ebrows in...

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Bad credit, no income verification LOAN question?

on May 4, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Bad credit, no income verification LOAN question?

Prospect Mortgage Sees Underwater Refinances Quadruple Following … … Urban Development's Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), case cialis 40mg which offers underwater homeowners the opportunity to refinance at today's historically low mortgage interest rates, story have increased HARP refinances at Prospect Mortgage to $ 201 million … For more informaiton please visit here… Learn How To Qualify For The Home Affordable Refinance Program One may learn how to qualify for home affordable refinance program at which is one of the leading mortgage service providers in the U.S. According to the company's website, there has been a big rise in the total number of … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… HARP Mortgage Program On Pace To Reach 1 Million Households In 2012 In California, homeowners used the Home Affordable Refinance Program to refinance just 19 percent of the time. The report also revealed that borrowers with loan-to-value ratios greater than 105 percent now represent more than half of all HARP transactions. For more informaiton please visit here… Question by libra1128: Bad credit, treat no income verification LOAN question? Here is my situation: I don’t have good credit….it’s not that bad, buy but not good. I also don’t make that much money a month (hence the no income verification I need). I need to take out a loan for about $ 50, online 000 to pay off my debt. I want to do this to have one monthly payment and I want a loan under 10% interest……I am paying 18-20% interest on my debt (credit cards) right now….so a loan at a lower rate would be better. Does anyone know of a reliable, reputable company that does no income verification loans with not so great credit. I understand that this would probably mean a high interest rate, but as long as it’s lower than my credit cards….its okay. Any ideas of a company or place or any ideas at all? I would be borrowing this money to pay off my current debt though. So I would not be getting myself further in debt by borrowing more money because the loan would go right to my credit cards and I’d still be $ 50,000 in debt. The main reason is to consolidate it all to one monthly payment at HOPEFULLY a lower interest rate. Thanks for the answers so far. I just don’t understand debt consolidation. They say to get a loan to pay off your current bills and have one monthly payment…BUT no one wants to give a loan to someone so far in debt with not so great credit…’s like a lose lose situation. Best answer: Give your answer to this question...

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Q&A: Can someone explain a no doc mortage loan to me?

on May 2, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 3 comments

Mortgage Refinancing: Wait or Move Now? The CoreLogic Home Price Index is up 2.5 percent from a year ago and the Federal Housing Finance Agency's purchase-only index reached its highest level in nearly two years, order medicine after growing 3.7 percent from last year — the fastest pace since September … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Arizona State Credit Union reports members' HARP savings Arizona State Credit Union saved 600 of its members more than $ 2 million each year by participating in the federal government's Home Affordable Refinance Program. The average member saved $ 369 on monthly mortgage payments, website the credit union reports. More informaiton please visit here… Question by Go with the flow: FHA has no mimimum mortgage requirement, website but banks will only make a loan for so little? True or False. Let’s say you find a house for $ 8, information pills 000 From what I have read, there FHA does not have a minimum requirement. But, from what I have read most banks do not make mortgages for loans under 40K or 50K. My guess is all the paperwork and costs would be too great for an amount so small. Anyone an expert on this? I am sure there are banks out there that will do mortgages for only 30K, but I can’t imagine it being worth their time to do a mortgage for less Best answer: Answer by djstwainAs with any business they get to decide what loans will make them money. When you take into consideration the cost of doing business, it may not makes sense for them to write a loan for under $ 20,000. I would try a credit union or local regional bank. What do you think? Answer below! Question by tiredbutwiredlove: Obama’s loan modification program and 2nd mortgages? We have 2 mortgages. Our first mortgage company will do the new modification, cure but does our 2nd mortgage company have to? I’m confused how Obama’s new plan covers those of us with second mortgaes who have lost our income. I know we would be able to refinance and put them together under the new plan, more about but I still don’t think it would save us much, and not as much as getting both of them modified. Any help in understanding this would be great! Best answer: Answer by Gaytheist BuddhaNo help for second mortgages. What do you think? Answer below! Question by Spokesmodel: I received a letter that I may qualify for lower mortgage payments for my FHA Loan.? I received a letter from Newport Shores Mortgage that I may qualify for a payment reduction on my FHA loan. Is this a scam? I contacted my mortgage company (Wells Fargo) a few months ago and they told me that FHA loans don’t qualify for any of the Obama programs, nurse but that it could change in the future. I looked up Newport Shores Mortgage on the HUD official website and they are listed as a qualified lender. I don’t want to get scammed and potentially lose my home, but I do need some help lowering my monthly payment. Does anyone know anything about this? Best answer: Answer by patrickwell… you are being partially scammed. What they did was search through the recorded deed documents, or through credit reporting agencies, and determined the value of your current loan, and the interest rate you are paying. Then they determined that you may qualify for a new FHA loan at a lower rate. They are really looking to get you to refinance your loan, through them....

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Buying condo, paying mortgage with student loans? Qualifying with no income?

on May 1, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 2 comments

by European Parliament The Home Affordable Refinancing Program Article by Pepple Holli For more informaiton please visit here… Related Government Refinancing Programs Articles Question by crave132: How should I go about purchasing my gram’s house? Mortgage? Home Equity? FHA? It is in an estate of my dad.? Ok so here is the situation. My gram died over a year ago and her house has been sitting in an estate that my dad and his 3 siblings are in charge of. He has been holding up the estate so I can get the house, more about but I have to save up money first. I have the money saved up now, this just need to see about what my best method is for getting the house? Regular mortgage rates at local banks are 5% for 30 years and up. The house was appraised at 72000 and I am getting it for 60000, 15000 for my dad and each of his 3 sibling divided equally. My question is should I get the house deeded to me for $ 1 to avoid having to pay all the closing costs and do it as a home equity loan? Is there somewhere better to get a mortgage than a local bank? None of the big banks will do FHA/government loans. Please tell me the best way to go about getting the house in my name, and getting my aunts and uncles their money. I have already been qualified for the loan, but if I do a home equity I wouldnt have to pay closing costs. Yes i know what a home equity loan is, I used to work as a credit analyst at a bank. There is no money owed on the house, and if it were in my name I would have all the equity to take out. The only reason I need money is because my aunts and uncles want their share for the house, and they want it soon. I have 5000 saved up, which is 5% down plus closing costs. I just want to know if there are any other loopholes besides having the house deeded to me for $ 1, which is not fraud and is legal. Thanks for the answers so far, but you havent told me anything I dont already know. Best answer: Answer by Greg KThere are a number of ways to do this, but it’s all about the level of trust between the parties. First off, the purchaser needs to be someone that can get a loan. If that is you, fine, but if not, you need to figure out who can meet the lenders requirements. What mortgage products are available to you are predicated on the creditworthiness of the borrower. A mortgage broker may be of real assistance to you in figuring this out. Closing costs vary with the mortgage product. You will need to figure out the nuances of closing costs as you decide your mortgage. Finally there is the question of title. Assuming you purchase the house, the title is now in your name. It sounds like the house is already in a trust for the estate. Transferring the beneficiary name on the trust may be the easiest thing to do. And it doesn’t involve much money at all. Nothing needs to change until you sell the house. If the trust owns the house, the trust gets the money. You need to look at the trust documents to understand what happens to the money in the trust. Good Luck Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! by eyewashdesign: A. Golden...

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Is It Possible To Get A Stated Equity Loan With A Co-Signer?

on Apr 29, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Is It Possible To Get A Stated Equity Loan With A Co-Signer?

Some cool condominium images: Terrace Row Condominiums Image by davereid2 Terrace Row Condominiums Construction Nears Completion If you would like to see a lot more homes click right here… Apparently a New Condominium Community on the East Side of Utah Valley Image by bterrycompton Apparently a New Condominium Community on the East Side of Utah Valley. The blue color of every little thing is determined by it becoming dusk. For a lot more houses click right here… by senatorchriscoons Question by Matthew: Are there any loan programs out there that would allow me to refinance my home at today’s present market value? Hello, medications I have a question for anyone out there that may be able to shine some light on our situation. My wife and I live in Rhode Island and are in the process of expanding our family. We recently had a baby boy and will soon attempt for child number two. Everything in our lives seems to be going as planned with the exception of our current housing situation. We currently live in a two bedroom 1000 Sq. ft. condo and we are busting at the seams. It is time to start looking for a larger home but we like many owe more than the home is worth. Probably about 50K plus upside down. We both have strong income and good credit so purchasing and affording a new home is not the issue, illness it’s what to do with our current situation. I feel very stuck. Ideally I would like to rent the condo and hold onto it as a future investment, link but being so upside down makes that thought less and less appealing. And selling it would have to result in a short sale and I’m pretty positive that negatively affects your credit. So my long and winded questions are: 1.Are there any loan programs out there that would allow me to refinance my current home at today’s present market value? The reason I ask is because I vaguely heard about such a program. 2.What do you recommend about getting out of my home and into a new one without destroying my credit in the meantime? 3.Is there another option that exist that would be a good fit for my situation Thank you all for your help on this. Best answer: Answer by Common SenseNo one will allow you to refi while you’re upside down. No way. A short sale, by the way, is only one baby step above a foreclosure. It destroys credit. Just rent the damn thing. Give your answer to this question below! Question by Manny: Is It Possible To Get A Stated Equity Loan With A Co-Signer? I am self-employed and own my home free and clear. My credit is pretty good but I have no income verification to provide. I realize stated loans are pretty rare these days. My Mother has a credit rating of about 770-780 and has offered to co-sign on a $ 50, salve 000 equity loan for me. I bought my house a little over a year ago for $ 168, look 000. Is this possible and if so, information pills can anyone recommend a bank to work with? Best answer: Answer by Whats Up DocYes it is. Try Suntrust or Bank of America. What do you think? Answer...

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