Stated Income Loans

Everything you need to know about Stated Income Loans in 2011.

Lastest NINA News

on Mar 31, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Lastest NINA News

Question by ss: New York Times Article Addressing the Housing Slump? I read the following NYT article in regard the housing slump. One part of the article, capsule information pills I did not understand. The author writes that millions of homeowners remain at risk of defaulting on their mortgages if they experience a payment shock because they owe more than their house is worth. Can you explain how lower home value leads to a payment shock which leads to a default on a mortgage. Assuming you have a fixed rate mortgage, drugs whether the value of your home goes up or down, you still have the same monthly mortgage payment, right? So where is the payment shock coming from? Thank you for your help. U.S. Tackles Housing Slump The Obama administration is ramping up talks on how to revive the housing market, which is weighing on the economic recovery—and possibly the president’s re-election in 2012. Last year, advisers considered several housing-policy prescriptions but rejected them in favor of letting the market sort things out. Since then, weak demand and a stream of foreclosed properties have put renewed pressure on home prices, prompting concern within the White House. Housing “hasn’t bottomed out as quickly as we expected,” President Barack Obama said at a White House town hall last week. Mr. Obama said housing remained the “most stubborn” problem facing the country and conceded that a raft of federal mortgage-aid programs were “not enough, and so we’re going back to the drawing board.” Policy ideas include having taxpayer-owned mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac relax their rules for loans to investors, allowing those buyers to vacuum up excess housing inventory. In certain markets, Fannie and Freddie could hold some foreclosed homes off the market and rent them out to ease the property glut. Officials also could sweeten incentives for banks to reduce loan balances for borrowers who are underwater, or owe more than their homes are worth. The White House is weighing ideas to strengthen the feeble housing market. Pictured, emptying a foreclosed home in Lawrenceville, Ga., this year. Discussions are in early stages, and there isn’t consensus around particular ideas. A spokeswoman said the president and his advisers “are always looking at new ways” to strengthen the housing market but wouldn’t disclose details. “While we continue to consider the options available to us, it would be inaccurate to say we are proposing any of these particular ideas at this time,” White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage said. Home-buyer tax credits worth up to $ 8,000 in 2009 and 2010 gave a short-term boost to home sales, but demand plunged after they expired. Foreclosures have put pressure on prices and damped residential construction, traditionally an engine of job growth during economic expansions. “As conditions change, some options that were below the line the way the market was 18 months ago might be above the line today,” said Peter P. Swire, who teaches law at Ohio State University and until last year was a top housing adviser to the White House. Most of the administration’s housing efforts have focused on helping borrowers refinance or modify their loans to avoid foreclosure. But some economists say too many borrowers won’t be saved through loan workouts and that the administration must do more to soak up the flood of foreclosures by boosting housing demand. View Full Image President Obama’s signature loan-modification program, announced during his first month in office, has lowered payments for around 600,000 borrowers. Meanwhile, around four million borrowers are in foreclosure or have missed three or more consecutive mortgage payments. While mortgage-delinquency...

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Lastest Income Vs Home Loan News

on Mar 28, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Lastest Income Vs Home Loan News

Question by ohio_state98: Where can I find out current home mortgage rates for my area? Does anyone know where I can find out the current mortgage rate averages for my geographic area? I’m looking at possibly refinancing and want to know if it would be worthwhile. Also, advice stomach can I expect any costs when trying to refinance? Best answer: Answer by orlandomortgagebrokerAll over ONLINE. The only problem is, medical that you don’t get that rate until you lock it, or you have a honest mortgage broker on your side, which might be willing to lose on the Yield Spread if he doesn’t lock it, if rates happen to go up, from the day you were quoted on Good faith Estimate. The minute you’re quoted a rate you like to proceed with, instruct lender or broker to lock, and provide form that states the fact and that their committed to lend at that rate. When lenders “lock”, they commit to lend at a specified interest rate and points, provided the loan is closed within a specified “lock period”. (Points are an upfront charge expressed as a percent of the loan amount). For example, a lender agrees to lock a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage of $ 200,000 at 7.5% and 1 point for 30 days. A lock is contingent on the borrower meeting the lender’s underwriting requirements for the loan. The need for locking arises out of two special features of the home loan market: volatility and process delays. Volatility means that rates and points are reset each day, and sometimes within the day. Process delays refer to the lag between the time when the terms of the loan are negotiated, and the time when the loan is closed and funds disbursed. If prices are stable, locking isn’t needed even if there are process delays. If there are no process delays, locking isn’t needed even if prices are volatile. It is the combination of volatility and process delays that creates the need for locking. For example, Smith is shopping for a loan on June 5 for a house purchase scheduled to close July 15. Smith is comfortable with the rates and points quoted on June 5, but a rate increase of 1/2% within the following 40 days could make the house unaffordable, and Smith doesn’t want to take that risk. Smith wants a lock, and lenders competing for Smith’s loan will offer it. If locks were equally binding on lender and borrower, locks would not cost the borrower anything. While lenders would lose when interest rates rose during the lock period, they would profit when interest rates fell. Over a large number of customers they would break even. In reality, however, borrowers are not as committed as lenders. The number of deals that don’t close, known as “fallout”, increases during periods of falling rates, when borrowers find they can do better by starting the process anew with another lender. Fallout declines during periods of rising rates. This means that locking imposes a cost on lenders, which they in turn pass on to borrowers. The cost is included in the points quoted to borrowers, which are higher for longer lock periods. The lender who quoted 7.5% and 1 point for a 30-day lock, for example, might charge 1.125-1.25 points for a 60-day lock. Years ago, lenders controlled lock costs by requiring borrowers to pay a commitment fee in cash. The fee was returned to them at closing but forfeited if they walked from the deal. But today, commitment fees have mostly died out. Borrowers don’t like them, and lenders and mortgage brokers...

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No Income? No Problem! How the Gov't Is Saddling Parents with College Loans

on Mar 28, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on No Income? No Problem! How the Gov't Is Saddling Parents with College Loans

Question by ohio_state98: Where can I find out current home mortgage rates for my area? Does anyone know where I can find out the current mortgage rate averages for my geographic area? I’m looking at possibly refinancing and want to know if it would be worthwhile. Also, advice stomach can I expect any costs when trying to refinance? Best answer: Answer by orlandomortgagebrokerAll over ONLINE. The only problem is, medical that you don’t get that rate until you lock it, or you have a honest mortgage broker on your side, which might be willing to lose on the Yield Spread if he doesn’t lock it, if rates happen to go up, from the day you were quoted on Good faith Estimate. The minute you’re quoted a rate you like to proceed with, instruct lender or broker to lock, and provide form that states the fact and that their committed to lend at that rate. When lenders “lock”, they commit to lend at a specified interest rate and points, provided the loan is closed within a specified “lock period”. (Points are an upfront charge expressed as a percent of the loan amount). For example, a lender agrees to lock a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage of $ 200,000 at 7.5% and 1 point for 30 days. A lock is contingent on the borrower meeting the lender’s underwriting requirements for the loan. The need for locking arises out of two special features of the home loan market: volatility and process delays. Volatility means that rates and points are reset each day, and sometimes within the day. Process delays refer to the lag between the time when the terms of the loan are negotiated, and the time when the loan is closed and funds disbursed. If prices are stable, locking isn’t needed even if there are process delays. If there are no process delays, locking isn’t needed even if prices are volatile. It is the combination of volatility and process delays that creates the need for locking. For example, Smith is shopping for a loan on June 5 for a house purchase scheduled to close July 15. Smith is comfortable with the rates and points quoted on June 5, but a rate increase of 1/2% within the following 40 days could make the house unaffordable, and Smith doesn’t want to take that risk. Smith wants a lock, and lenders competing for Smith’s loan will offer it. If locks were equally binding on lender and borrower, locks would not cost the borrower anything. While lenders would lose when interest rates rose during the lock period, they would profit when interest rates fell. Over a large number of customers they would break even. In reality, however, borrowers are not as committed as lenders. The number of deals that don’t close, known as “fallout”, increases during periods of falling rates, when borrowers find they can do better by starting the process anew with another lender. Fallout declines during periods of rising rates. This means that locking imposes a cost on lenders, which they in turn pass on to borrowers. The cost is included in the points quoted to borrowers, which are higher for longer lock periods. The lender who quoted 7.5% and 1 point for a 30-day lock, for example, might charge 1.125-1.25 points for a 60-day lock. Years ago, lenders controlled lock costs by requiring borrowers to pay a commitment fee in cash. The fee was returned to them at closing but forfeited if they walked from the deal. But today, commitment fees have mostly died out. Borrowers don’t like them, and lenders and mortgage brokers...

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Varieties Of Fraud, And Predatory Lending Practices And Tactics

on Mar 27, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | Comments Off on Varieties Of Fraud, And Predatory Lending Practices And Tactics

Loan Modification Home Saver Program Who are stated income mortgage loans m?ant for? For the most part, price this loan is for the self em?loyed borrower who c?nnot document all ?f the income ?r shows a v?ry low net income on the tax return. In ad?ition, a stated income mortgage loan ?s great for ? person who e?rns some salary but also cash that is not docum?nted anywhere. An example would be ? waiter, bar ten?er, valet parking atten?ant, limo driver, etc One other t?pe of borrower who may opt f?r a stated in?ome mortgage loan ?s someone who coll?cts rental income but does not h?ve signed leases to verify that in?ome stream. 100% LTV – r?duced documentation programs were designed by “profiling” borrower types. The t?pical profile of ? stated income a?plicant was a b?rrower with irregular income because he/she e?rned seasonal or c?mmission income, and was typically self-employed. Appl?cants were qualified u?ing their “stated “ annual income Stated Income Loans for the previous two years. Loans were underwritten and closed under this honor sy?tem, as lenders typ?cally did not verify a borrower’s st?ted earnings with the IRS. Stated in?ome was also ext?nded to wage earners at 100% LTV with FICO min?mums set as ?ow as 580. Primary, se?ond, and non-owner residence?. Stated income mortgage ?oans – A ?tated income mortgage ?oan was designed for borrowers who ?an’t verify their ?ncome with traditional ?ncome documentation, typically these borrowers are ?elf-employed or work for tips have s?asonal employment or work on commission. A stated income m?rtgage loan is ? good option ?f you would have difficulty proving ?our income The income that you state on the m?rtgage application must be average in ?our occupation and a?sets are generally verified. This means that if you ?re a waitress ?nd you say ?ou make $10,000 ? month it may raise some e?ebrows in underwriting. A problem presented it?elf because loan modifi?ation companies were charging homeowners upfront f?es to begin working on these modific?tions. The fact ?s that too m?ny consumers were ?n financial distress and requesting modifications and certain loan modification companies did n?t have enough personnel on staff to handle all ?f their clients. As a result, th?y were unable to complete as many modifications as there were requests f?r modifications. The governm?nt of California step?ed in and wrote new loan modification regulations that stat?d it would be unlawful to char?e upfront fees ?f anyone in foreclosure requesting to chan?e the terms ?f their loan Stat?d income mortgage loans are making ? slow comeback and it is ? good thing. The lending regulations ?n our opinion were over-tightened. Now, y?u have legitimate ?elf employed borrowers who cannot get ? loan. That ?s a problem which needs to be fixed. If ?ou are not ?oing to bring ?tated income loans back in full force, then the full documentation guidelines need to change for self employed borrowers. They should use the gross ?ncome (or somewhere ?bove the net) ?n the tax returns for qualification ?urposes. Salaried borrowers ?re showing gross ?ncome before tax ?eductions and so should self employed...

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Where can I get a non income verification home loan with less than perfect credit?

on Mar 25, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 2 comments

Question by ohio_state98: Where can I find out current home mortgage rates for my area? Does anyone know where I can find out the current mortgage rate averages for my geographic area? I’m looking at possibly refinancing and want to know if it would be worthwhile. Also, advice stomach can I expect any costs when trying to refinance? Best answer: Answer by orlandomortgagebrokerAll over ONLINE. The only problem is, medical that you don’t get that rate until you lock it, or you have a honest mortgage broker on your side, which might be willing to lose on the Yield Spread if he doesn’t lock it, if rates happen to go up, from the day you were quoted on Good faith Estimate. The minute you’re quoted a rate you like to proceed with, instruct lender or broker to lock, and provide form that states the fact and that their committed to lend at that rate. When lenders “lock”, they commit to lend at a specified interest rate and points, provided the loan is closed within a specified “lock period”. (Points are an upfront charge expressed as a percent of the loan amount). For example, a lender agrees to lock a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage of $ 200,000 at 7.5% and 1 point for 30 days. A lock is contingent on the borrower meeting the lender’s underwriting requirements for the loan. The need for locking arises out of two special features of the home loan market: volatility and process delays. Volatility means that rates and points are reset each day, and sometimes within the day. Process delays refer to the lag between the time when the terms of the loan are negotiated, and the time when the loan is closed and funds disbursed. If prices are stable, locking isn’t needed even if there are process delays. If there are no process delays, locking isn’t needed even if prices are volatile. It is the combination of volatility and process delays that creates the need for locking. For example, Smith is shopping for a loan on June 5 for a house purchase scheduled to close July 15. Smith is comfortable with the rates and points quoted on June 5, but a rate increase of 1/2% within the following 40 days could make the house unaffordable, and Smith doesn’t want to take that risk. Smith wants a lock, and lenders competing for Smith’s loan will offer it. If locks were equally binding on lender and borrower, locks would not cost the borrower anything. While lenders would lose when interest rates rose during the lock period, they would profit when interest rates fell. Over a large number of customers they would break even. In reality, however, borrowers are not as committed as lenders. The number of deals that don’t close, known as “fallout”, increases during periods of falling rates, when borrowers find they can do better by starting the process anew with another lender. Fallout declines during periods of rising rates. This means that locking imposes a cost on lenders, which they in turn pass on to borrowers. The cost is included in the points quoted to borrowers, which are higher for longer lock periods. The lender who quoted 7.5% and 1 point for a 30-day lock, for example, might charge 1.125-1.25 points for a 60-day lock. Years ago, lenders controlled lock costs by requiring borrowers to pay a commitment fee in cash. The fee was returned to them at closing but forfeited if they walked from the deal. But today, commitment fees have mostly died out. Borrowers don’t like them, and lenders and mortgage brokers...

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Q&A: What would my interest rate be for a no-doc home loan?

on Mar 24, 2024 in Stated Income Loans | 4 comments

Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Steady After Release of Fed Survey Current FHA 30 year fixed mortgage rates are as low as 3.000%. FHA loans have several different mortgage options available for consumers to choose from, look doctor such as rehab loans to energy efficient loans. Some of these products are designed to make funds … More informaiton please visit here… Current Mortgage Rate Chart – Lenders Lower Rates as Benchmarks Nose-Dive (Best Syndication News) Mortgage interest rates were lower again as investors moved their money into safe-havens (see the mortgage rate charts below). SunTrust, decease ed PNC, rx Bank of America, and U.S. Bank lowered their rates as secondary lenders matched cuts … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… FHA Streamline Refinance Offers Multiple Savings As mortgage rates continue to reach new record lows, interest in the FHA streamline refinance continues to increase. Many homeowners are currently holding higher rate FHA mortgages that were obtained prior to 2009. The FHA … These FHA mortgages are … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Oakland seeks to stop scourge of foreclosures with million plan OAKLAND — For 3, abortion 500 Oakland homeowners, the nightmare of the foreclosure crisis continues in stalled loan modifications and a new generation of scams. They may, however, see some help from a new pilot program that plans to pool $ 5 million in federal, … More informaiton please visit here… Mortgage servicers dropped the ball, study says The researchers found great inconsistency in how large servicers responded to the program. Notably, in what they called a "muted" response, some large servicers offered half as many loan modifications as other companies. The more active, more … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Study: Home modification program falls short By December, the program — combined with modifications outside the program — will have helped roughly 1.2 million homeowners modify their loans, far less than the three to four million the Obama administration promised when it introduced the program … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Steady After Strong Consumer Sentiment … Current FHA 30 year fixed mortgage interest rates are as low as 3.000%. FHA loans are available in a variety of options which are designed to make it easier for consumers to become homeowners. Down payments can be as low as 3.5% with credit scores as … For more informaiton please visit here… FHA Loans Present Window of Opportunity for Minnesotans So, treat at the risk of reiterating a tired advertising pitch, website like this the combination of falling interest rates, rising home prices, and the temporary reduction of mortgage insurance payments, combined with the convenience of the Streamline refinance, argue … More informaiton please visit here… Some cool mansion photos: Mansion Hotel Image by feldpress Mansion Hotel Grand Opening Could 12, pilule 2007 Wang Xiaohui with Dr. Dean Yin, CEO Boutique Hotel Investors International If you would like to see far more houses click here… Mansion Image by andy castro Taken at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Park in Southern California. For more homes click here… Mansion Image by dosmosis Castle Rock- Marblehead, MA: Assume the front yard of this glorious mansion’s lovely… You must see the backyard! If you would like to see far more houses click here… Financial services legislative and regulatory update – September 17, website like this 2012 Specifically, seek the legislation would: remove barriers to competition by requiring the same streamlined underwriting for new servicers as they do for current servicers; ensure equal...

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