Q&A: What is the current national foreclosure rate?
Check out these chateau pictures: Château de Fléville (France – Lorraine – 54) Image by michellefouineur Vue sur la façade est du château. Much more fantastic homes click here… Château de Fléville (France – Lorraine – 54) Image by michellefouineur Vue sur la façade est du château. A lot more fantastic houses click here… Question by Tim: What is the time period can I refinance an FHA loan without paying closing cost again? I am a first time buyer, adiposity financing an FHA loan today. Thank you so much. Best answer: Answer by Steve DYou always pay a closing cost – that is something you can’t avoid. If you refinance within a short period of time, sometimes you can avoid the appraisal fee, but you will always have to pay the document prep fees, the recordation fees, etc. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! by Cory M. Grenier Question by Uncle Pennybags: What is the current national foreclosure rate? I keep seeing in the news that foreclosure’s are up XX% in the last year. What they never say is what the foreclosure rate actually is. I mean if it’s up to 4% from 3%, ailment that’s a dramatic 33% increase, order but it also means that there are still 96% of people still paying their mortgages. I just want to know what the real number is. Best answer: Answer by Johnny 2 TimesI believe the current foreclosure rate is somewhere around 1 new foreclosure for every 560 households. That indicates a percentage foreclosure rate of about .2%, meaning 99.8% of households are not in foreclosure. Give your answer to this question...
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Some cool apartment developing images: Apartment creating at Marine Drive Image by aromanos Apartment building at Marine Drive For far more houses click right here… by Chris Devers Question by curious mind: FHA help for homeowners program, drug do the homeowners have to pay tax on the amount that is forgiven? With this loan modification program, discount Help 4 Homeowners, more about by FHA, will the homeowner have to pay a tax on the amount of the home loan that if modified, or forgiven, by the original lender? Will there be a balloon tax for that amount? Best answer: Answer by kunjaldpIf the debt is forgiven, then it is taxable as ordinary income, but I believe there is a law in making that would make it non-taxable as long as it was on your home which is about to be foreclosed. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Home Affordable Refinance Program Eligibility Requirements Will Make … Madison, order WI — (SBWIRE) — 11/07/2012 — One may now think of determining Home Affordable Refinance Program HARP Eligibility even if had been denied for the plan earlier. The federal … Recently, see the government announced enhancements to the Home … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Wells Fargo to Help Sarasota Area Customers Facing Mortgage Payment … Homeowners whose loans are "under water" – meaning they owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home – may be eligible to refinance their loan based on criteria including demonstrating ability to repay. Depending on eligibility for a loan … If you would like more informaiton please visit...
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Automatic Cancellation Of PMI When You're Underwater On Your Mortgage It doesn't apply to homeowners with lender-paid mortgage insurance (LPMI) or those with FHA or VA mortgages, drugs here which have their own mortgage insurance. Taking Timelines into Account Depending on the size of your down payment, it usually … You can use a … For more informaiton please visit here… Great time to buy or refinance a home GECU Online Banking at mygecu.org has a variety of free mortgage calculators including: Monthly Payment Estimators, Affordability Calculator, Minimum Income Calculator, Prepayment Calculator, Refinance Calculator and Move or Improve Calculator. … The … More informaiton please visit here… Check out these condominium images: Marilyn Monroe Condominiums Image by Peter Kudlacz Twin towers of Marilyn Monroe condominiums in heart of downtown Mississauga, cost Canada More great houses click right here… Terrace Row Condominiums Image by davereid2 Terrace Row Condominiums Construction Nears Completion For more homes click...
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A few good condominium photos I identified: Fotoloco The Alexandra Condominium Halloween Party by Ortigas and Company 070 Image by FOTOLOCO! Fotoloco photo booth images @ The Alexandra Condominium Halloween Celebration | Ortigas & Business | Viridian in Greenhills | All-you-want photo prints from Fotoloco photo booth For much more houses click right here… Fotoloco The Alexandra Condominium Halloween Party by Ortigas and Firm 089 Image by FOTOLOCO! Fotoloco photo booth pictures @ The Alexandra Condominium Halloween Party | Ortigas & Firm | Viridian in Greenhills | All-you-want photo prints from Fotoloco photo booth For more homes click here… The Empire of Debt by Dee Hon Image by Renegade98 From Adbusters #74, generic Nov-Dec 2007 The Empire of Debt Money for nothing. Own a home for no money down. Do not pay for your appliances until 2012. This is the new American Dream, and for the last few years, millions have been giddily living it. Dead is the old version, the one historian James Truslow Adams introduced to the world as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” Such Puritan ideals – to work hard, to save for a better life – didn’t die from the natural causes of age and obsolescence. We killed them, willfully and purposefully, to create a new gilded age. As a society, we told ourselves we could all get rich, put our feet up on the decks of our new vacation homes, and let our money work for us. Earning is for the unenlightened. Equity is the new golden calf. Sadly, this is a hollow dream. Yes, luxury homes have been hitting new gargantuan heights. Ferrari sales have never been better. But much of the ever-expanding wealth is an illusory façade masking a teetering tower of debt – the greatest the world has seen. It will collapse, in a disaster of our own making. Distress is already rumbling through Wall Street. Subprime mortgages leapt into the public consciousness this summer, becoming the catchphrase for the season. Hedge fund masterminds who command salaries in the tens of millions for their supposed financial prescience, but have little oversight or governance, bet their investors’ multi-multi-billions on the ability that subprime borrowers – who by very definition have lower incomes and/or rotten credit histories – would miraculously find means to pay back loans far exceeding what they earn. They didn’t, and surging loan defaults are sending shockwaves through the markets. Yet despite the turmoil this collapse is wreaking, it’s just the first ripple to hit the shore. America’s debt crisis runs deep. How did it come to this? How did America, collectively and as individuals, become a nation addicted to debt, pushed to and over the edge of bankruptcy? The savings rate hangs below zero. Personal bankruptcies are reaching record heights. America’s total debt averages more than 0,000 for every man, woman, and child. On a broader scale, China holds nearly trillion in US debt. Japan and other countries are also owed big. The story begins with labor. The decades following World War II were boom years. Economic growth was strong and powerful industrial unions made the middle-class dream attainable for working-class citizens. Workers bought homes and cars in such volume they gave rise to the modern suburb. But prosperity for wage earners reached its zenith in the early 1970s. By then, corporate America had begun shredding the implicit social contract it had with its workers for fear of increased foreign competition. Companies cut costs by finding cheap labor...
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Some cool apartment developing images: 0804 | French Apartment Constructing | 2009 | North Side Image by Facility Records | MSU Physical Plant 0804 | French Apartment Building | 2009 | North Side If you would like to see much more houses click right...
Read MoreMortgage brokers pursue Chapter 11 as debts mount
Question by Abigail: Should I refinance from an ARM if my rate will increase? I currently have an ARM mortgage with a rate of 3.125%. I am considering refinancing to a 30 year fixed with a 3.875% rate. Is this a good idea? The rep said the higher rate is due to the negative equity I have in my house. This would be using the HARP refinance program which is typically makes the rate .75% higher. Best answer: Answer by Beverly SWe are doing 3.375% 30 year fixed. Shop around a bit. I would go for a fixed but 3.875 is a bit high right now. Add your own answer in the comments! Mortgage brokers pursue Chapter 11 as debts mount A couple behind a once-prominent Maui mortgage brokerage is seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from debts that include unpaid mortgages and loans against more than two dozen properties in Hawaii and Idaho. Kathleen Patricia Morris and David … If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Canton Mortgage Broker Arrested for Alleged Drug Violations Newman's occupation was given as Mortgage Broker at Newman Financial Group in Canton. Jose Marquez, treat 31, patient of North Hollywood, Calif., pled not guilty to possession of a class E substance, to wit Xanax. ADA Connolly requested $ 20,000 cash bail; $ 3,000 … For more informaiton please visit here… Judge dismisses Chapter 11 filing for mortgage brokers A U.S. bankruptcy judge Tuesday dismissed the Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization petition by a husband and wife team that may owe up to $ 10 million to creditors mainly through their one-time prominent Maui mortgage brokerage firm. Judge Robert J. If you would like more informaiton please visit...
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