Unique Loan Programs

Information regarding all unique real estate loan programs available in the market place today (i.e., stated income loans, no doc loans, no FICO loans, high ration loans, gross qualifying loans, etc.).


on Jan 9, 2025 in Real Estate Info | 57 comments

Question by : Are FHA Private Mortgage Insurance Monthly Premiums tax deductible if you bought a home in 2011? I saw that homes purchased between 2007 and 2010 that were financed with FHA loans allow for the FHA Monthly mortgage insurance premiums to be tax deductible if you itemize. Does this include any homes purchased in 2011? Best answer: Answer by LandlordNo PMI is not deductable Give your answer to this question below! by eyewashdesign: A. Golden Income Mortgage Stated – Get a Loan Without Proof of Income There is an income mortgage stated program that is a type of mortgage loan program where it is actually part of the “no-doc” and the “low doc” loans. This means that there isn’t normally any documentation required for the loan to be approved. This makes the loan very popular among many people as they do not have to first run around and find documentation to prove their income and other information. When you go for a conventional mortgage you will pay back less interest, prostate but it might be more difficult for you because you will have to provide the following; Last three paychecks Return tax forms for the last two years A list of all creditors Two month bank statement Certain legal documents In some cases these will not even be all of the documents you need. Some places could be more strict than others when it comes to who they loan money to, malady but this is the best way because you will not have such a high interest to pay back. It should be very reasonable. With the income mortgage stated you will not need all of that information just to get the loan. If you have a stable job but you cannot prove that you have a stable income you will choose this type of loan. However, you should at least have a good credit history when you want to apply for a loan like this one. All you would need to do besides have good credit is be able to state your income for the past two years or longer. Remember that with this loan you will probably pay back a lot as the interest will be higher. So it is great for the time when you need the money, but when reality hits months later that you need X amount to start your repayments, many people find themselves in situations where they cannot cope. just make sure that you understand the terms under which the loan is taken and that you will be able to pay it back, no matter what the interest rate may be. More informaiton please visit here… www.CashMoneyQuick.com Stated Income Loans – FREE Ebook helps you Find MILLIONS in Private Money FAST for Real Estate Investing! Bad Credit? No Problem! No more having to qualify! If you would like to see more homes click here… Question by : Does having a child (a dependent) give you any help in getting a FHA loan? Or more $ in it? I am looking online at mortgage loan calculators and “what you can afford” calculators. One asked more details questions: What state and county am I in, visit this and how many children do I have. Does having a child give us a better chance of getting a higher amount in our loan? I have a baby on the way, so I am just interested in how it works. Any help is appreciated thanks! Edit: When I told the calculator that I did have one dependent, it gave me almost 10k more. Not less....

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Great Apartment Developing images

on Jan 9, 2025 in Real Estate Info | Comments Off on Great Apartment Developing images

Some cool apartment building images: Apartment Constructing, sales information pills Hospital District Image by StevenM_61 Apartment constructing on the identical block as the earlier residences. A Cube automobile or minivan (or is it a microminivan) parked in front. For a lot more properties click...

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Freddie Mac: 30year mortgage rate hits 3.4%, highest in 8 weeks

on Jan 8, 2025 in Unique Loan Programs | Comments Off on Freddie Mac: 30year mortgage rate hits 3.4%, highest in 8 weeks

Some cool mansion images: Castle Mansion Property in Draper Image by Photo Dean Mansion with Castle Towers For much more homes click here… Question by twiggs2006: Can a person have two mortgage loans on two different houses at once? Is it possible to have 2 different mortgage loans on two different houses at once? Or would banks shy away from giving you a second loan if you already have one out? The reason I’m asking is because I’m looking into buying a house for cheap and renting it out. Best answer: Answer by Steve DTechnically, pill there is no limit on how many mortgages you can hold at one time. You are limited only by your income – rule of thumb is that your total mortgage will be no more than 3 times your income (i.e., health you make $ 50,000 a year, you can afford a total of $ 150,000 in mortgages). Note however that to buy that second house as a rental would mean it is classified as investment property and you will need a minimum of 20% down in addition to closing costs. If you are buying from the current resident/owner, you can’t claim any rental income since it isn’t rented yet. Add your own answer in the comments! Question by just me: How does the new mortgage bailout plan work in simple english? I have heard very little about how it will work, information pills any answers in simple terms? Best answer: Answer by biancaStep1Gather loan paperwork and check to see what type of interest rate that you have. If it is an ARM, help or adjustable rate mortgage, health then you would qualify for the new foreclosure prevention plan. Fixed rate borrowers will not be affected by this plan. Step2Check with your lender, if you are not sure, to see when your ARM interest rate is set to change. If it will reset anytime between Jan. 1, 2008 and July 31, 2010, you will have the option to place the freeze on the rate. Also, your loan must have been originated between Jan. 1, 2005 and July 31, 2007 in order for you to qualify. Step3Keep your mortgage payments up to date, with delinquencies below 30 days. You will be excluded from the plan that Bush has proposed if you are more than 30 days late or more than 60 days behind at any point in the last 12 months. Step4Calculate your future budget to see if you could afford the payment on the higher interest rate when it raises. If you can afford the new payment when the rate resets, you will not qualify. If you cannot afford the new payment, the Bush plan will benefit you. People who cannot afford to pay their payment even before it raises, will be ineligible and considered on a case-by-case basis for an alternative solution. Step5Call for assistance. If you can’t afford your payments and are facing a foreclosure, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America could help you save your home. Go to their website at http://naca.com or call 1-888-302-NACA. For those with a good credit standing and payment history, there is help available with the FHASecure program, through the Federal Housing Association. Their website is http://www.fha.gov/, which provides excellent information and an online form to request assistance. Give your answer to this question below! Big step, ask so look before you leap With interest rates at record lows, viagra 100mg house prices down from their peak and loans easier to come by than they were in the aftermath of the credit crunch, site now is...

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Lyman Meadow Condominiums, Hinesburg VT

on Jan 7, 2025 in Real Estate News | Comments Off on Lyman Meadow Condominiums, Hinesburg VT

Question by Lady B: Why does only 1 person in my family believe Obama will give out Free Points to refinance their home? Why does this 1 person believe Obama is going to give them and anyone 2 free points when they go to refinance? BTW this is their 2nd home and they are not hurting for money? This person is an Attorney. Best answer: Answer by v bBecause you have no idea what you are talking about. Give your answer to this question below! Question by Phil R: Will my FHA mortgage be turned down for overdrawn checking account? I have been approved for an FHA mortgage loan and have been asked for 2 months of bank statements. My concern is that my account was overdrawn a few weeks ago. It was the first time in at least a year and a half it has been overdrawn and was an honest mistake. Can they reverse my approval for this reason? Thank you. Best answer: Answer by JMnope, help they will not. i actually had one (which i was so pissed at cuz a check cleared about 30 seconds before my direct deposit went in) and i was fine. i offered to show a year of statements to prove it was a fluke but they told me not to worry, they don’t hold 1 against you! Give your answer to this question below! Check out these condominium images: Lyman Meadow Condominiums, pharmacy Hinesburg VT Image by NNECAPA Description: This photo shows 5 units in a tightly clustered 80-unit condominium development in the heart of a small town village area located on Lyman Meadow Road in Hinesburg, clinic Vermont. These are small clustered units (approximately 900 square feet), with substantial greenspace both on the parcel, and on adjacent public land (Lyman Park) and public trails (Russell trails). Note the bikes on the decks of each of the unit ­ part of a walkable/bikable village area. Size: 80 units; 12 acre parcel (original parcel larger, project donated additional land to town for a park); 1&2 bedroom condos; approx. 900 square feet per unit. Date Built: c.1988 Photo Taken: September 2007 More great houses click here… Jesselton Condominium, Kota Kinabalu Image by thienzieyung Jesselton Condo is a 15 storey high condominium, located on a hillock overlooking Likas Bay towards the north and Mount Kinabalu to the east. If you look carefully just above the trees you can see Likas Square. There is a sky terrace on the 15th floor of the condo which is developed by Bina Puri Group. For more info do check out: stephanieloh.blogspot.com/2009/08/jesselton-condo-for-ren… More great houses click...

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Mortgage Rates Forecast

on Jan 6, 2025 in Home Lending Info | 6 comments

Th E Banking Committee Held A Legislative Hearing On “T …U.S. Senators Tee Up Fannie Mae, medications sickness Freddie Mac Mortgage Refinance Legislation On May 24th, the U.S Senate Banking Committee held a legislative hearing on “The Responsible … Access Doc Deadbeat Neighbors Cost You Money! How Condo Boards CAN …Security interest placed on a property that has to be paid off before the owner can sell it, refinance, or do association may then file a DILF, though whether that amount will cover mortgage payments, real estate … Return Document The History Of A VA LoanThe History of a VA mortgage loan refinance, it all began in 1944 through the Servicemen’s soldiers, history, oct, residences, payment, assured, roosevelt, offers, war, veterans, specifically, housing, dream, homes, read, news … Access Full Source Nationwide Mortgage – Legal Advice – FHA – Bloomberg …Nationwide Mortgage – Legal Advice – FHA – Bloomberg Financial News – 2008-12-24 – Mortgage News Mortgage.com , President & CEO, David Reischer discusses with Bloomberg's, Margaret Popper, current effect of mortgage applications on residential refinance and … View Video Exclusive Report: Erratic REO Rebound In 2012 & BeyondPrincipal mortgage balance. In addition, the settlement requires lenders to offer refinance Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC 170 -0.12 -0.60 1,145 10 Richmond, VA 124 -0.04 -0.46 1,091 9 … Fetch Here 81 Percent Of Refinancing Homeowners Maintain Or Reduce Mortgage Debt In Second QuarterMCLEAN, Va., Aug. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Freddie Mac (OTC: FMCC) released the results of its second quarter refinance analysis showing homeowners who refinance continue to strengthen their fiscal house. News Facts In the second quarter of 2012, 81 percent of homeowners who … Read News Does A VA Mortgage Loan Refinance Loans Always Result In …Does a VA Mortgage Loan Refinance Loans Always Result in Lower Payments? Tuesday, 21 June 2011 14:51 Does a VA Mortgage Loan Refinance Loans Always Result in … Access Content U Of M News Wire When Should We Refinance?Even when much of what we hear in the news is about mortgage foreclosure, people with an up-to-date mortgage loan are asking whether or not they should refinance. … Access Document Considering Refinancing? – Money In Your TwentiesWith mortgage rates as low as they are many people are taken advantage of the opportunity t o refinance their homes at a lower rate. News & Events; Work at About; SiteMap; All Topics; Reprints; Help; Write for About; User Agreement … Read Article VA Home Loans California – VA Purchase Refinance San …TDR home loan mortgage company is a trusted provider of home loan mortgages and home refinance Compare mortgage rates on a home refinance, VA loans, FHA 3:05 Watch Later Error FHA News & Refinance Options / HARP 2.0 "Hot off the Press" Teresa Tims Home Loan Pro by teresatims 259 views … View Video FHA Program Adjustments To Support Refinancings For …For qualifying mortgage loans to be responsibly restructured and refinanced into FHA loans as long as the FHA Refinance Option 1. FHA Refinance Option for Underwater Loans –Encouraging Responsible Restructuring and … Access Document Hard Money Loan – Wikipedia, The Free EncyclopediaHard Money Mortgage loans are generally more expensive than traditional sub-prime mortgages. However all mortgage loans are not necessarily considered to be a high cost mortgage. … Read Article Government National Mortgage Association – Wikipedia, The …The Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), or Ginnie Mae, was established in the United States in 1968 to promote home ownership. As a wholly owned government corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Ginnie Mae’s mission is to expand affordable … Read Article Time...

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How do FHA streamline refinance affect my credit score?

on Jan 6, 2025 in Unique Loan Programs | Comments Off on How do FHA streamline refinance affect my credit score?

Some cool mansion images: Castle Mansion Property in Draper Image by Photo Dean Mansion with Castle Towers For much more homes click here… Question by twiggs2006: Can a person have two mortgage loans on two different houses at once? Is it possible to have 2 different mortgage loans on two different houses at once? Or would banks shy away from giving you a second loan if you already have one out? The reason I’m asking is because I’m looking into buying a house for cheap and renting it out. Best answer: Answer by Steve DTechnically, pill there is no limit on how many mortgages you can hold at one time. You are limited only by your income – rule of thumb is that your total mortgage will be no more than 3 times your income (i.e., health you make $ 50,000 a year, you can afford a total of $ 150,000 in mortgages). Note however that to buy that second house as a rental would mean it is classified as investment property and you will need a minimum of 20% down in addition to closing costs. If you are buying from the current resident/owner, you can’t claim any rental income since it isn’t rented yet. Add your own answer in the comments! Question by just me: How does the new mortgage bailout plan work in simple english? I have heard very little about how it will work, information pills any answers in simple terms? Best answer: Answer by biancaStep1Gather loan paperwork and check to see what type of interest rate that you have. If it is an ARM, help or adjustable rate mortgage, health then you would qualify for the new foreclosure prevention plan. Fixed rate borrowers will not be affected by this plan. Step2Check with your lender, if you are not sure, to see when your ARM interest rate is set to change. If it will reset anytime between Jan. 1, 2008 and July 31, 2010, you will have the option to place the freeze on the rate. Also, your loan must have been originated between Jan. 1, 2005 and July 31, 2007 in order for you to qualify. Step3Keep your mortgage payments up to date, with delinquencies below 30 days. You will be excluded from the plan that Bush has proposed if you are more than 30 days late or more than 60 days behind at any point in the last 12 months. Step4Calculate your future budget to see if you could afford the payment on the higher interest rate when it raises. If you can afford the new payment when the rate resets, you will not qualify. If you cannot afford the new payment, the Bush plan will benefit you. People who cannot afford to pay their payment even before it raises, will be ineligible and considered on a case-by-case basis for an alternative solution. Step5Call for assistance. If you can’t afford your payments and are facing a foreclosure, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America could help you save your home. Go to their website at http://naca.com or call 1-888-302-NACA. For those with a good credit standing and payment history, there is help available with the FHASecure program, through the Federal Housing Association. Their website is http://www.fha.gov/, which provides excellent information and an online form to request assistance. Give your answer to this question below! Big step, ask so look before you leap With interest rates at record lows, viagra 100mg house prices down from their peak and loans easier to come by than they were in the aftermath of the credit crunch, site now is...

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