What are some stocks that could benefit from the expected boom in reverse mortgages?
by eyewashdesign: A. Golden Question by Les Ismore: What are some stocks that could benefit from the expected boom in reverse mortgages? Reverse mortgages are expected to boom in coming years as baby boomers look to retire. Anyone know of good stocks to consider to profit from this trend? Best answer: Answer by Jeff CNothing that isn’t REALLY risky right now with the subprime mess. You need to ask this question again in six months or a year after the whole thing has settled down! There isn’t a safe harbor in mortgages until that blows over. A list of public mortgage companies — http://www.mortgagedaily.com/companies.asp But I think you’d be smoking crack to touch them until subprime worries either blow up or blow over. Another, more about unhealthy possibly safer option would be to invest in any of the big players in mortgage derivatives… Bear Stearns, Sachs, etc… But there again, you’ve got obvious exposure to the fallout from subprime mortgage debt. I think the subprime/foreclosure issue is going to keep reverse mortgage market in limbo for some time. What retiree wants to even consider the possibility of mortgage default and foreclosure which is talked about daily in the news?!? You know the financial-planners are having a field day telling their clients to keep their money safe and secure, preferably in one of our vanilla funds or better yet a annuity life insurance product! Add your own answer in the...
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A handful of good mansion pictures I located: mansions of madness Image by 8one6 The very first play of Mansions of Madness at Pulp Fiction. More excellent homes click here…
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by Center for American Progress Question by David G: How to take out a loan without income record? I live in Melbourne Australia not working. My main business activities are overseas so that I do not have to work here and pay taxes to the Australian Tax Office. Recently I’m considering buying another house by taking out a home loan in Australia since the interest rate is lower in Australia. I do own a house in Australia but I do not have any income records. So is there a way to convince the bank to give me a loan? My main concern is not to let the tax officer know my foreign assets or income details. Best answer: Answer by scatSorry – no reportable income – no loan. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Banks Settle Home Mortgage Claims Bank of America Corp. has agreed to pay $ 10.3 billion to Fannie Mae to resolve claims related to the sale of home mortgages. Separately, advice 10 lenders agreed to an $ 8.5 billion settlement with federal regulators to resolve claims of abuse related to … For more informaiton please visit here… The Role of GSEs in the Housing Market The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), the major housing government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), hold dominant positions in the U.S. mortgage market. They have likely … More informaiton please visit here… Mortgage Applications Continue Rising Later this morning we get the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) house price index. The consensus estimate calls for a rise of 0.7% in the index. Rising home prices and very low mortgage interest rates are combining to weigh down the inventory of … For more informaiton please visit here… Federal Housing Finance Agency proposes fee hikes on Connecticut mortgages … The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has proposed raising fees on mortgages in Connecticut and other states that require court approval of foreclosures, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. If you would like more informaiton please visit here… Question by ?: how big can i get a house in florida with this amount of money? i have $ 600, page 000 to buy a house in florida if i offered some one that money for a house how big of a house could i get? Best answer: Answer by wahooWell that all depends on what area in Fl the house is. Another thing that will make a big difference in prices of a house is ..is it on a coast, or lake. Is it in a city, or small town or rural area. So much has to be considered. What repair is the house in, is it a “fixer upper” or never been lived in. So many questions before your one question can be intellegently answered, By the way the land taxes and permits down in Florida can kill your bank account What do you think? Answer below! Question by Julia: Can I move out of the unit of my I live in now that my loan has been modified via the Home Affordable Program? I modified my loan a year and a half ago and now I have a more reasonable monthly mortgage payment. I have a home with 4 units and I rent 3 of them and live in 1. Can I move out and rent my unit in order to move closer to a better paying job in another city if the opportunity comes up? Will it impact negatively on the...
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by Jon Haynes Photography Question by Professor Mystery: What marketing strategies have been effective for you as a mortgage loan officer? I’ve just gotten into the mortgage business in Texas. I’m looking for any tips to help me to deal with the marketing side of the business and any success stories of particular types of advertising. Thanks! Best answer: Answer by bmwdlrHere’s a good resource to find other mortgage reps who are willing to share tips and strategies for finding prospective clients: http://www.homefindinginfo.com/realestateforum/default.asp Give your answer to this question...
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Bill Dallas ~ Smart Business Webinar Slides – Mortgage CoachGoogle is not really a company but a new way of thinking I borrowed WWGD and created What Would Bill Dallas Do? serious mortgage professional Markets are stabilizing Many markets experiencing real HPA Affordable…historic low rates and prices Best time to buy…ever! The Mortgage … Fetch Doc First Rate From 2006 To 2007, decease more about Bankrate.com Used Google AdWords“In 2002 Google AdWords and the concept of cost-per-click (CPC) was new, viagra 40mg but we had a diverse range of content that we knew some people weren’t aware of. We thought Google was an excellent way to get in front of people looking for that information, mind be it mortgage rates or college planning.” … Doc Retrieval 2. Growing Audience For Property Online© 2010 Google. All rights reserved. Page | 5 of 11 . Fig 5.1 Bank of England monthly interest rates and mortgage lending to individuals for house purchases in the UK *Source: Bank of England data … Fetch Full Source Residential mortgage-backed Security – Wikipedia, The Free …Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) are a type of bond commonly issued in American security markets. for the sophisticated investor to earn higher returns if he/she bought the "junior" or "mezzanine" tranches, as they carried higher interest rates … Read Article MORTGAGE BROKER AGREEMENTSt. Cloud Mortgage Mortgage Broker Agreement Page: 1 of 6 www. stcloudmtg .com … Read Document Money Minute: French Fries,Google, Mortgages – YouTubeBusinessMoney Minute: French Fries,Google, MortgagesMoney Minute: French Fries,Google The five-year adjustable-rate mortgage edged up slightly to five point six percent (5.61). as they are more sensitive to what the Federal Reserve intends to do with the short-term rates … View Video Adjustable-rate mortgage – Wikipedia, The Free EncyclopediaIn many countries, it is not feasible for banks to borrow at fixed rates for very long terms; in these cases, the only feasible type of mortgage for banks to offer may be adjustable rate mortgages (barring some form of government intervention). … Read Article S&P 500 Up For Sixth Week; Fear Index Hits Five-year LowNEW YORK (Reuters) – The S&P 500 held near a four-year high on Friday, and the market's key gauge of anxiety sank to its lowest since 2007, suggesting a belief that the problems stressing investors might be closer to a resolution. The Nasdaq outperformed the broader market as Apple shares reached an all-time high. The CBOE VIX volatility index hit a 5-year low of 13.43 before closing down 5.9 … Read News The Death Of AdSense, And The Return To Common Sense!When Google decided to allow Adwords advertisers to bid a separate price for ads that displayed in search results, vs. ads that displayed on content partners sites, like the mortgage rates comparison site in this example, the bottom fell out … Visit Document Home Buying – A Mortgage Is Not A Home LoanHome buying tip. A mortgage and a deed of trust are both security instruments, documents that give a lender the right to sell your property to pay your debt if you do not make payments on your home. Do you know the differences between a mortgage and a deed of trust? … Read Article Talk:Mortgage-backed Security – Wikipedia, The Free EncyclopediaSee google search and Jerryseinfeld 22:38, 4 Jan 2005 (UTC) I wanted to write about MRBs (mortgage revenue bonds) and couldn't find a proper place to put it. Answer #2 – because people refinance when rates drop, and since mtge rates dropped to the lowest … Read Article Scott Dawson Mortgage Broker – YouTubeScott Dawson Mortgage Broker with Verico Paragon Pacific Mortgages...
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John J. Brown House Image by Corey Templeton This house is located at 387 Spring Street. It was originally located 86 Spring Street and moved to its current location in 1971. FMI – www.mainememory.net/bin/Detail?ln=23282 portlandmainedaily.blogspot.com/ Photo seen on: The Consumerist.com on 8/4/11 consumerist.com/2011/08/even-rock-bottom-mortgage-rates-c… and consumerist.com/2012/02/notsofun-facts-about-home-equity-… More great houses click...
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