the destruction of Wamu
But the majority of Washington Mutual problem loans were prime mortgages and home equity loans. Grind reports that 70% of the options ARM mortgages and 90% of the home equity loans were taken on the basis of “stated income” instead of …
For more informaiton please visit here …
Question by vixxen: FHA loans do not allow default on a Federal Loan.What if I pay off the loan prior to applying for FHA mortgage?
Will I get the loan? I have about 10% down…
Best answer:
Answer by Jay C
First of all, decease if you have a previous foreclosure(does not matter if it is FHA/VA/Conventional), information pills you MUST wait 3 years before you are eligible to apply for another FHA loan. This is the critera from the FHA itself. So if it has not been 3 years, I’m afraid you are not eligible for an FHA.
Secondly, if it has been 3 years since the foreclosure, and if you HAVE perfect credit since, you may be APPROVED for another FHA. HOWEVER, FHA will TYPICALLY REQUIRE that any outstanding collection accounts be paid BEFORE being able to close on the loan. So whatever amount is showing on any collection(including your foreclosure), must still be paid before you can close.
I wish I had better news for you but unfortunately this is the criteria for an FHA
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Question by sakof90s: FHA inspections – how fast can they be done?
How fast can an FHA inspection for approval be completed? We are selling our condo and buying a house. We are in escrow in both processes. Of course we need to sell to get the down payment for the purchase. Today, sickness our agent called to see if the condo we are selling has been inspected and approved by the FHA. I’m not sure but it sounds like the buyer’s lender wants FHA backing. To our knowledge, website the condo has not previously been approved. We are locked in at a decent mortgage rate, ambulance but there is an expiration date for that lock-in. I don’t want to lose the rate and wonder how long it will take to have the FHA do their inspection of the condo and approve the backing. We live in So. Calif. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by boo76
Typically if his/her buyer is doing an FHA loan, then the loan company that is doing it for them needs to send their own inspector over. It’s not up to you…the only time you get an inspection is if you wanted to certify that your home is somehow a good buy or something…like a “for the record” type thing….
If the buyer is doing an FHA loan, then the lender should be sending an inspector over anywhere from 30 days before the closing and up until about 2 weeks from the closing.
When is your closing date for the buyer? If it is w/in the next 30 days expect someone to come inspect the home in the next few days to couple weeks…
Hope that helps….
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Question by John L: low mortgage rates, order how long will they last?
Since the bailout of Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac, viagra mortgage rates fell, correct?
1. Why?
2. How long will this last? I’m looking to buy a house within the next two months, and I don’t want to miss the low rates.
Best answer:
Answer by Howard L
Mortgage rates have dropped a bit this week. Due to Freddies I don’t really know. How long will they stay low. I’d be a multi-millionaire if I could predict that.
When you apply for and get approved for a loan you can lock the rate for a period of time 15-90 days depending on the mortgage company and how much your willing to pay for an extended lock. 30 days is usually included at no charge. You have until the end of the lock period to actually take out the loan. You’re usually out nothing but the application fee if you back out of taking that loan.
So if you’ re happy with todays rates apply for a loan with a lock period that fits your plans.
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Question by Anna Z: Are fha mortgages available to those that are selling a current property and want to purchase a new residence?
Our family grew and our 1 bedroom condo is up for sale. We will be renting it out until someone buys it. We are currently renting a home and would like to purchase it if we qualify for the mortgage. Obviously that would not make me a first time buyer, approved but was wondering if an FHA mortgage is an option. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by glenn
FHA is available and used very often by people. You will need to check with a loan officer to see if you are qualified. Use someone local. You may communicate with them still by email or such but you want to be able to walk into their office And “face to face” if needed- Trust that advice.
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Question by : Having an FHA insured mortgage?
Ive had this house 2 years, discount never missed a payment. Now due to health reasons,I must leave to go to a care-giver.The mortgage is FHA insured. If I discontinue payments,am I correct in understanding that the Lender will be paid by FHA?If so,are there repercussions to me?I am now disabled and receive SSD.I have the house on the market for the second time,no offers.Its now listed as a short sale,still no offers.Can anyone clarify this please?I assume its similar to car insurance,if i have an accident,the insurer pays and there are no other consequences to me.Is it the same with an FHA insured Mortgage?
Best answer:
Answer by loanmasterone
A FHA insured mortgage loan really has nothing to do with you. FHA insured the mortgage loan with the bank. In the event you would not be able to pay the monthly mortgage payment FHA would repay the bank any funds not paid by you.
In this manner the bank that you borrowed the money to purchase the house would not be on the hook for the house, thus the house would not be a liability to the bank.
FHA would take possession of the house, thus the house would be a liability to FHA.
You would still be liable for the mortgage payment, as the lender or FHA would foreclose on the property. A foreclosure would become a negative on your credit report for several years.
This is not insurance for you and would not relieve you of your financial responsibilities to pay the monthly mortgage loan payments.
You have hazard (Fire) insurance to cover any catastrophe, that would pay you to replace your house in the or make it hold once again in the event of fire, accidentally being destroyed by unforeseen happenings.
I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.
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Question by tikki: is paying rent 14 days late not good history to apply for fha loan?
I’ve lived in my current apartment for 2 1/2 years. I have paid my rent late several times but not 30 days late, viagra 100mg more like 14 days or less late. i know this is poor renting but i didn’t think this could possibly cost me not getting qualified for a home. Is it true that paying your rent this late can get you disqualified for a home?
Best answer:
Answer by Reena
Paying your rent late doesn’t show up on your credit report so I don’t see why it would matter.
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Question by Nutsogood: Where can I find up to date FHA mortgage rates online?
It seems conventional rates are very easy to find, unhealthy but I haven’t been able to find FHA rates.
Best answer:
Answer by Hawaii Home
The rates don”t mean a lot. Go to
It will vary A LOT depending on who does the loan, health your credit, type of property, percentage down and the lender.
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Question by Steve K: Will changing jobs affect my ability to attain a mortgage, cure under FHA?
I’m looking at attaining a mortgage on a house. But, cheap I plan on changing jobs before I attain this mortgage. The job will be in the exact same line of work, viagra but just with a different company. It will involve a substantial improvement in income. The mortgage I will be attaining, after this job move, will be under FHA loan rules. THANKS!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Wreck
FHA will want to see 2 years worth of solid employment.
But.. here’s the trick.
You are planning on just “moving” from one job to another.
You might not even be out of work for one week.
And.. you might even get more money at this new job.
Lenders will see what you did. This will not be a problem
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refinancing Anxiety Pushes protection costs for the recording: mortgage
The government, look the Federal Housing Administration refinancing challenges created insurance rate hikes, pilule failed when tweaking HARP, then with the changes that came into force last month to specifically address. TBA prices. Pay-ups on Fannie Mae 4.5 …
If you want more informaiton please visit here …
Refinance The demand for lower prices than Rise
Refinancing applications fell a seasonally adjusted 9 percent in the past week, increased as the average rate on 30-year mortgage by a full tenth of a percentage point. That’s according to Mortgage Bankers Association weekly mortgage …
If you want more informaiton please visit here …
Question by HadTheSurgery: How many years do you have to pay on a mortgage before you can refinance?
We have a fixed rate FHA mortgage. How many years do we need to pay into it before refinancing will help lower our monthly bill?
Best answer:
Answer by Paul D
Need to know your balance, pills current interest rate, nurse remaining term (number of payments, if the payments are monthly), and current payment, not including escrow payments.
Also, estimated sale price for your home.
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Question by C. W: Moving 2another state, this should we wait to apply for FHA loan ?
we are looking to move next year to virginia from illinois . we want to jump start the whole proccess .can we start soon from illinois or do we wait until we get to virginia?
Best answer:
Answer by webcrafter
If your bank is nationwide (like Bank of America) you can get pre-approved. For that matter, this you can get pre-approved from your bank even if it is not nationwide, case but it means FedEx paperwork during the process.
Start as soon as you can – my loan officer friend tells me it can take up to 3 months to close on a loan because they use a more detailed check-list now.
You can also contact a Realtor from Illinois now and start looking at property on line. When you get there he/she can drive you around to look at them.
Early bird gets the worm! Go for it!
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Question by Gerren J: Where can I find a list of FHA lenders that approve bad credit?
I currently have about a 515 credit score. I am looking to take advantage of this tax credit and buy something small now. I am looking for mortgage brokers as well, viagra buy but I want that to be my last resort if i can just apply directly to a bank, buy more about etc. Please help…Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Realtyyoudefine
If you have a longstanding relationship with your bank and a good record there, viagra that would be a place to start.
Not sure why you think a mortgage broker would be your last resort. That is exactly what you need to help you sort through the possibilities for you.
You should work with a mortgage broker because they will work with all the lenders to find you the best loan.
With that kind of a credit score you will be unlikely to qualify for a loan unless you have a substantial down payment or other assets.
BUT – that does not mean there are not special programs available in your area.
Again, talk to someone who knows the mortgage market
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Question by Cesaria Barbarossa – 40K: Can an FHA appraisal with conditions be transferred to another lender without problems?
I want Lender A to transfer the FHA case number to Lender B, sick but Lender A says that they have to wait for the reinspection of a condition with the appraisal (replacement of a pipe on the hot water tank – which was repaired Saturday) before they can do that in order to avoid problems for me.
Is this correct or can I just have it transferred now and the new lender will be able to pick up where lender A left off?
Best answer:
Answer by Holden Harry Cox
Yes it most certainly can.
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Question by : Refinance tax Deductibility Question- FHA refinance, ailment Primary Residence?
I am taking out an FHA 15 year fixed mortgage. I am being charged 1% loan origination, sale a 700 processing fee, a 700 underwriting fee, and the standard title costs, and government transfer fees. I am getting 4.25% rate. Also, I am paying 1% FHA Up Front Mortgage Insurance Fee. I know that I can deduct the 1% loan origination fee over the life of the loan. Is anything else tax deductible? I live in Indiana if that makes a difference. The processing and underwriting fees are paid to the bank along with a $ 295 warehouse fee and $ 150 admin fee. Please let me know what fees both to the bank and if any other title fees are tax deductible.
Thank you for all your help.
Best answer:
Answer by Let me steer you
You cannot deduct the processing fee, warehouse fee or the admin fee. You are correct about the loan origination fee. Commitment fees and processing costs are not tax deductible.
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Question by : FHA Mortgage Refinancing?
When purchasing my new home the sale of our current home fell through. I’d like to refinance the old mortgage to make it less of a burden until we sell it. However, information pills it is an FHA loan, page we do not have 20% equity in the home, medicine and it would remain vacant. And again, this is a second home so I’m not sure how it affects things if you have two separate mortgages against your credit. I know there are certain rules for FHA loans. So, I’m wondering if I can refinance this loan to a lower rate or if I’m stuck for now.
Best answer:
Answer by Ed Atun
FHA only loans on owner-occupant properties so your situation would work. The house can not be on the market during the refinance. You might possibly have to reside in the house for a certain period after the refinance ( it might not be spelled out but it is probably a “reasonable” amount of time). FHA does not want you to refinance and put a renter in the next week.
This situation only works if you cancel the purchase of the “new” home.
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Question by : Current FHA Mortgage Rate?
I am supposed to refinance on Sunday from a fha at 6.5% rate to a 5.5. my payment is approx 1670 with interest and all and will be down to 1535 with the refinance. He stated that my escrow will be sent and I can keep it (1200) and i can skip my march payment which will basically give me 300 in the pocket. I didnt really want money back i just wanted my payments lowered by 250 or so to adjust for my other issues that occured. Is 5.5 30 fixed a good rate or will there be something with this stimulus that will drop housing to 4.5 or so. He also said I can refinance again after about 6months if the rates got lower, this web AM I BEING DOOPED? just so they can get a sale or does it pass the smell test. THanks.O my new mortgage is noe 228, dosage 000 it was 225, rx 000. He did say that i could pay points but it would cost me the $ 3000 they giving me to just drop it .5% which is only about $ 60 bucks he says
when you mean mortgage rate you simply speaking of the cost correct or do you mean also the interest part because im currently paying about 1670 but I believe 200 of it is insurance and all the other stuff i get billed. I gross according to my base salary 4700(on the higher end) so that means i should qualify correct. I only had my home since septmeber(new construction townhome)…am i actually eligible for the new deal?
Best answer:
Answer by Judy
Never pay points.
Unless you plan to stay in the home without refinancing for a full 15 years.
Watch a bit of CNBC today if you have time.
If your current mortgage is more than 31% of your gross income, you will qualify for the new mortgage refinancing at under 5% with no closing costs to you and $ 1,000 gift / year towards your principal.
IF, and only IF your current payment is more than 31% would I put that new company on hold.
On March 4th, you will be able to call your currrent company and re-finance with this new deal.
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A couple of good chateau photos I discovered:
Chateau de Vannes de nuit
Image by dadavidov
Chateau de Vannes de nuit
More great houses click here…
Image by halle
This chateau is situated 25 minutes northwest of Angers, recipe France. The name escapes me!? J’aime La France!
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Très jolie !
Thanks! 😀
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