Cool Mansion images

Posted on Mar 15, 2025 in Real Estate News

Question by sjr07: I owe 170k on my mortgage and it is worth 155k. What do I need to do to refinance?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
Your upside down on that house. You have no equity. All the refinance in the world will only make you more upside down.Your in the hole 15K borrowing more will mean even bigger debt. Is that what you want?

Add your own answer in the comments!

A few nice mansion images I found:

Woodend Mansion
Image by Mr. T in DC
Woodend Mansion (John Russell Pope, medicine 1928), what is ed at 8940 Jones Mill Road in Chevy Chase, view MD, is the headquarters of the Audubon Naturalist Society, and site of the 40 acre Woodend Nature Sanctuary, with a pond, hiking trails, and gift shop. It’s also apparently a popular location for weddings; when I visited today, I couldn’t go inside the mansion due to a big wedding in progress (note the standard wedding tent at left). I thought about brandishing my camera and saying I was one of the photographers, but wasn’t really dressed for a wedding…

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Mansion Within A Mansion
Image by Timequest Media UK
Photo only studies of the famous, unfinished English treasure.

This shot is in effect a mansion within a mansion – where the blurred background is the mansion upside down.

Part of the Haunted Places series….

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