Does a morgage company have to comply with the Making Home Affordable program?

Posted on Jul 25, 2024 in HARP Refinance

Question by DOGSITTER: Does a morgage company have to comply with the Making Home Affordable program?
Does a mortgage company have to help you if you have fallen behind in your mortgage payments. According to the Making homes affordable for FHA loans they do, information pills search but the bank won’t help us, adiposity is there something we need to ask for specifically.

Best answer:

Answer by John
I don’t believe they have to participate.

And incidentally, have mortgage companies ever complied with anything? LOL

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One Comment

  1. Do you meet the criteria for a modification? Usual problem is even if the rate is lowered or the term lengthened the person wanting the modification still does not have the amount of income to cover the new payment or is saddled with too much other debt to make the payment. SO it would be a waste of time and money