Does anyone know where the law is for a verification of employment?

Posted on Jan 26, 2025 in HARP Refinance

fha mortgage insurance
by marsmet526

Question by milisa c: How long do you have to pay Mortgage insurance on FHA loans?
I have been paying mortgage insurance for about four years now and my house payment keeps going up. Yes I have a fixed interest rate.

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30 years

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Question by Karen W: What is the term used when you get a break from paying a mortgage without going into foreclosure?
I heard about this on Oprah, link but then we were’nt in financial straits like we are now is there anyway we can save our house without filing for bankruptcy?

Best answer:

Answer by Darby
You need to talk to the mortgage company. They have no idea what’s going on unless you tell them. Maybe you can agree to pay the interest only until things improve. I don’t know what was said on Oprah.

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federal home mortgage
by eyewashdesign: A. Golden

Question by ArmyWife<3: Does anyone know where the law is for a verification of employment?
is there a texas state or federal law stating that the employer is not allowed to give out an employers salary even with borrowers authorization to qualify for a home mortgage loan, online more or less, page an FHA loan?
if there is please give me a link.
or if there as anything regarding them having to with permission.

Best answer:

Answer by rwa000
there is no law either state or federal, remedy if they have a signed authorization they are free to give it to whomever has the authorization, if it was done without your permission there is little you can do unless it caused serious financial harm

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Comment

  1. An employer is allowed to verify salary, not give it out. If the lender says something along the lines of, “Ms. Smith says that her salary is $ X per year, can you verify that?” most employers will say yes or no. However, if the lender says, “How much does Ms. Smith earn per year?” the employer will not give out that information.

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