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By Jeffrey Lord on 12.21.10 @ 6:08AM
Requiem: Hymn or dirge for repose of the dead.
— Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
Christmas, order 1985.
Tom Wicker was upset.
The longtime New York Times political reporter turned columnist, an icon of liberal journalism in the day, was furious with President Ronald Reagan and his conservative administration. So he sat himself down during the Christmas season and penned a column titled "Requiem at Christmas."
That would be requiem, as in a hymn for the dead.
The subject of Wicker’s fury is worth a look this Christmas, twenty-five years later. His tirade was delivered as Reagan and the conservative movement were riding a wave of public popularity just a year after Reagan’s 49-state re-election over former Vice President Walter Mondale.
Why is this important enough to take another look? Because this tale of a supposed political Scrooge and the Christmas Past of 1985 provides a glimpse of Christmas Future for conservatives in 2011.
Wicker, you see, was waxing eloquent about a pond at his rural retreat in historic Rappahannock County, Virginia. There, some twenty years earlier during the height of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, the columnist built his pond on his own property. Perhaps understandably for a man who had spent his life as a liberal wordsmith, Wicker saw this moment of pond-building as "perhaps the single most constructive act of my life."
He also paid for the construction of the pond himself. Good man. A liberal who believes in private sector job creation.
But wait! Paid for it all himself? Then why in the world was Tom Wicker so furious at Ronald Reagan and conservatives?
What was this business of a "Requiem at Christmas"?
Well, there was actually more than a pond involved, you see. First, the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia arrived to stock Wicker’s pond "with large mouth bass, bluegills and channel catfish," the latter, Mr. Wicker assures us, "to establish a natural cycle" in his new private pond. But there was something else. There was also a dam. And instead of hiring a private sector contractor to design his dam, Mr. Wicker went somewhere else. Guesses, anyone?
That’s right. Instead of pumping his New York Times earnings into this task, Mr. Wicker turned to — you. You as in the taxpayers funding the federal government of the United States circa 1965. Specifically, in Wicker’s words, he turned to "Eddie Woods, the district agent for the Federal Soil Conservation Service, (who) designed the dam so well that the water eventually rose precisely to the little red flags he had set out to predict the shoreline of what he called a ‘water impoundment.’"
Said Wicker as his fury rose to what might be called the liberal anger impoundment shoreline of the Times print pond: "That’s only an infinitesimal incident in the annals of one of the Federal services dedicated to the American earth and to those who work and cherish it." Indeed, indeed. "Infinitesimal" is precisely the word for whatever federal tax dollars were spent on his pond. Then, without missing a beat or evidencing a solitary thread of irony, Wicker moves his readers from the pond-designing Federal Soil Conservation Service to another agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture: the Agricultural Extension Service.
There, he fingers Scrooge. Otherwise known as President Ronald Reagan.
While we are left to ponder the fact that good ole Eddie Woods of the Federal Soil Conservation Service was spending his time designing Wicker’s private dam on Wicker’s private property, Wicker sharply points out: "Now Ronald Reagan wants to kill the Extension Service to save money; if the service is needed his aides say, let the states pay for it."
At this point, Wicker’s outrage at this horrifying bit of Dickensian Scroogery from the Reagan White House explodes.
"What effrontery!" he splutters. The nerve of Reagan. Trying to cut back the federal government by suggesting that if a service is so valuable to a state that state should pay for the service and leave the American taxpayer in other states alone.
On a roll, Wicker moves to another outrageous Reagan idea: privatizing the Federal Housing Administration. What a wretched, foolish idea snaps Mr. Wicker. Why, the whole reason for the FHA, a New Deal program from 1934, was that private institutions "failed to make housing loans available to low and middle-income people…in the first place." Translation: mortgages were not given to those who could not afford them.
Imagine that. Way back there in 1985 Mr. Wicker simply can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong with forcing the government’s way into the private housing market and making sure people who can’t afford mortgages get them from the federal government. The very idea of getting rid of such a program made Wicker’s bile rise. As with an unrelated Agriculture Department program, this concept of getting rid of government programs is absurd on its face to Wicker and the Times. Wicker scorns Reagan, saying the President and his conservative policy advisers "in their mania for privatization and profit think they can make a buck on the sale, thus reducing the deficit."
Move ahead to 2008, August, specifically. Mr. Wicker is now presumably enjoying his retirement at the ripe-young age of 82. Which is to say one month before the subprime mortgage crisis explodes in the middle of the presidential campaign. Over in the pages of Forbes magazine, reporters Joshua Zumbrun and Maurna Desmond are waving something that might be recognized as a larger version of "the little red flags" planted by a government agent to predict the shoreline of Wicker’s now 23-year old government designed pond. This red flag is financial in nature and is being waved to alert readers that, well, a tidal wave is surging toward America’s financial shoreline. Says Forbes:
Watch your wallet.
Heralded as a savior in reversing the mortgage market’s woes, risks to the agency could cost taxpayers dearly, says one mortgage expert, as Washington morphs the FHA from a helping hand for low-income home buyers into a back door bailout for the imploding mortgage industry.…
"Nobody is talking is talking about it, but in three years the FHA bailout is going to cost taxpayers at least 0 billion dollars," said Guy Cecala, a mortgage industry insider and publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance. "Everybody on Capitol Hill recognizes that there will be significant costs, but they’re trying to keep the housing spigot open even if it will bring in some bad water down the road."
Ahhh yes. Red flags and bad water. Says the publication Mortgage later after the tidal wave has crashed ashore and started financially pulling Americans financially underwater en masse:
"The FHA has committed and tapped 0 billion to ramp up the Hope for Homeowners program."
Which is to say Forbes underestimated things.
Mr. Wicker’s philosophy, in short, more or less had its way with America. There was no requiem for liberal government spending in spite of Wicker’s protestations and snappy column title. The significance of the Reagan presidency — and later the Gingrich Congress — was to red flag the shoreline of financial consequences for the endless parade of tax-and-spend politicians of all stripes who swarmed Washington after 1932. This disaster, decades in the making, would take decades to resolve. Reagan’s administration as the president himself came to realize was merely step one — recognition of the problem and beginning to apply the brakes. There were politicians — of both parties — utterly heedless of the obvious fact that even the highest taxes (if you were a liberal) or the most advanced free market policies (if you were a conservative) could not keep pace if the reality was unceasing, massive spending on everything from today’s Obamacare to the pittance that was Tom Wicker’s Great Society-era government designed dam.
This Christmas, as economies in places like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal struggle because they listened to and were run by the ideas of their own Tom Wickers, the holiday for millions really is going to be downright Dickensian.
But — thankfully — this is America. A country which has a magnificent heritage of self-reliance that, reports to the contrary, is not dead yet. There are millions of Americans who now realize the direct, very stark connection between their joblessness, the almost eighty years of so-called government "services" like designing dams for the rural retreat of a well-to-do New York Times columnist — and the federal deficit. Not to mention the role played by all those subprime mortgages
Twenty-five Christmases later, Tom Wicker’s dam is symbolic of exactly what is dragging down the American economy.
Too much government. Too much government. Too much government. Not enough money. Not enough money. Not enough money.
There are only two ways out of this mess that has been some 80-years in the making. First is economic growth — putting an end to the politics of class warfare and envy that liberals like New York’s Congressman Anthony Weiner employ to keep their own middle-class constituents economically under-water for political benefit.
And …. cutting spending. Dealing straight-up with not just the tax code but health care costs, entitlements and discretionary spending like that responsible for designing Tom Wicker’s dam. Incoming House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan’s Roadmap for America’s Future, discussed here, along with repealing Obamacare, will be and should be one of the first items on the agenda of House Republicans when they take over the majority in January.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, cited on MSNBC by Joe "No Labels" Scarborough, has made the point in a recent CBS 60 minutes interview. Says Christie: "The day of reckoning has arrived…the credit card has maxed out…it’s over. It’s over."
Yes, it is.
But when the Mother of All Budget Battles arrives in March (the expiration date for the just passed "Continuing Resolution" that freezes spending at the modest (??!!) current level of .1 trillion) expect House Republicans, GOP Senators, and every conservative from presidential candidates to talk radio hosts to you to be called, in so many words, Scrooge.
What you’re really hearing, in the inevitable fashion so bluntly described by Governor Christie, is at last — is it possible? — a genuine requiem for limitless government spending.
At which point it will do well to remember that twenty-five Christmases ago one columnist in the New York Times crystallized the argument nicely in a fashion he could not foresee.
How did we get to this day of reckoning of which Governor Christie speaks? How could this country and a number of its states possibly be edging to bankruptcy?
By borrowing the money to pay for Tom Wicker’s dam.
And a lot more besides.
Merry Christmas.…
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Comstock Mortgage Launches New Refinancing Resource For California Homeowners Considering The Home Affordable …
Now with the recent release of HARP 2.0 , diagnosis LTV ratios on existing loans are much higher, generic or in some cases completely removed, information pills permitting the homeowner to at last lower their monthly mortgage payments by refinancing. (PRWeb April 14, 2012) Read the full story at … Read News
Relief Refinance Mortgages Program Highlights
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Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Extended For …
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Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Borrower’s Guide …
Refinancing Government Sponsored Enterprise mortgage loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) through the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). their mortgage the opportunity to get into a new mortgage with better terms. Homeowners, whose Government Sponsored Enterprise mortgage interest rates are … Retrieve Full Source
Home Affordable Refinance Program
Questions borrowers have regarding the government’s Home Affordable Refinance Program. The program was developed to aid borrowers who have kept up with their mortgage payments but have been unable to refinance because the value of their homes have dropped. Interest rates have dropped to … Doc Retrieval
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•Home Affordable Refinance addresses the problem faced by millions of homeowners who have been unable to take advantage of low mortgage rates to refinance because their property value has fallen. The loan modification program is intended to prevent foreclosure for borrowers in … Read More
Real Loans, Real People, Real Estate Making Home Affordable …
Real Loans, Real People, Real Estate Making Home Affordable Refinance Program available if you do not qualify for the MHA Refinance Program. THERE ARE NO 2% INTEREST RATES for Can I still refinance under MHA? Eligible loans include those where the first mortgage does not exceed 125% of the current … Access Document
Home Affordable Refinance – Refi Plus Options – FAQs
Home Affordable Refinance addresses the problem faced by millions of homeowners who have been unable to take advantage of low mortgage rates to refinance because their property value has fallen. The loan modification program is intended to prevent foreclosure for borrowers in default or in imminent … Fetch Content
The Home Affordable Program
Through the Home Affordable Refinance Program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will allow the refinancing of mortgage loans that they own or that they placed in get into a mortgage with payments that are affordable today and sustainable for the life of the loan. Borrowers whose mortgage interest rates are much … Read More
Save Your Home From Foreclosure – The Hope For Homeowners Program
The Hope for Homeowners Program will help homeowners save their home from foreclosure by allowing them to refinance their mortgages into more affordable make your mortgage more affordable. Through the program your lender may volunteer to refinance your mortgage be based on current market rates … Read Article
The Home Affordable Program
Do I still qualify to refinance under the Making Home Affordable Program? Eligible loans will include those where the first mortgage will not exceed 125% of the get into a mortgage with payments that are affordable today and sustainable for the life of the loan. Borrowers whose mortgage interest rates are … Document Viewer
Bank Of America Home Loans – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
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Community Reinvestment Act – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act requires that financial institutions publicly disclose mortgage lending by March 15, 2000, is a comprehensive study of CRA to focus on default and delinquency rates of examinations conducted after the effective date, July 1, 2007, in order to implement program … Read Article
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Save Your Home With These Refinance and Loan Modification Programs through the Obama administration’s “Making Home Affordable” program. This is called being “upside down in your mortgage.” Consider refinancing through the Obama administration’s “Making Home Affordable” refinancing program. … Read Article
Making Home Affordable
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Some homeowners may be able to take advantage of today’s low interest rates perhaps due to a decrease in the value of their home. HARP assists homeowners whose mortgages are current and held by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac refinance into a more affordable mortgage. … Get Doc
Freddie Mac Relief Refinance
Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Page 1 of 23 2/14/2012 . Program Summary . The Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgage SM – Open Access supports the Federal Making Home Affordable … Doc Viewer
Housing And Economic Recovery Act Of 2008 – Wikipedia, The …
States are authorized to refinance subprime loans using mortgage revenue bonds. This was attributed to high fees, high interest rates, the Supervisors and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (CSBS/AARMR). If the state’s licensing and registration program … Read Article
Comstock Mortgage Launches New Refinancing Resource For California Homeowners Considering The Home Affordable …
Now with the recent release of HARP 2.0 , LTV ratios on existing loans are much higher, or in some cases completely removed, permitting the homeowner to at last lower their monthly mortgage payments by refinancing.Roseville, CA (PRWEB) April 14, 2012 Comstock Mortgage launches new website for California homeowners to get quick and experienced guidance in applying and qualifying for home … Read News
JPMorgan Chase Earns $5.4B In Q1, Beats Street
JPMorgan Chase earns $5.4B in Q1, beats Street Associated Press Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 05:14 a.m., Friday, April 13, 2012 NEW YORK (AP) — JPMorgan Chase, which holds the most assets of any bank in the country, said Friday that it issued more mortgage loans in the first three months … Read News
SUBJECT: FHA Refinance Of Borrowers In Negative Equity Positions
Treasury (Treasury) announced enhancements to the existing Making Home Affordable Program (MHA) and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) refinance maintain homeownership by providing borrowers, who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home, opportunities to refinance into an affordable … Visit Document
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Fact Sheet
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Fact Sheet nine million families refinance into a lower cost or more sustainable mortgage product. HARP is unique in that it is the only refinance program that enables borrowers who owe more than their home is worth to take advantage of low interest rates … Access Content
Relief Refinance Mortgages Program Highlights
Relief Refinance Mortgages – Program Highlights With the federal Making Home Affordable Program extended through June 2012, tadalafil interest rates still near historic lows, and the Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgage SM providing both the Same Servicer and Open Access options, this is a good time to … Return Doc
Home Affordable Refinance Program HARP – YouTube
Home Affordable Refinance Program HARP Barry Little Loan Officer in Massachusetts shares the new updated enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP. 2:36 Watch Later Error HARP 2.0 Refinance for Underwater Home Owners by Jupiter FL Mortgage Banker Danny Poulos by … View Video
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You won't feel so badly about how much your home is presently worth if you don't have a mortgage on it. Alternative to Short Sale Option #4. Refinance your mortgage through a government refinance program. HAFA – HAFA Short Sales – Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program … Read Article
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A reader asks: "My husband and I bought a home at the height of the market and now it is worth less than we paid for it. Not only has our value dropped, but we owe more to the mortgage company than our home is worth. … Read Article
Home Affordable Refinance Program
Yes, the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) offers refinancing to eligible borrowers who are not behind on their mortgage payments but who … Document Viewer
SUBJECT: FHA Refinance Of Borrowers In Negative Equity Positions
Are designed to maintain homeownership by providing borrowers, who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home, opportunities to refinance into an affordable FHA loan. Execute a Servicer Participation Agreement with Treasury to participate in the Making Home Affordable Program; and, Agree … Fetch Full Source
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) – FAQs
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) – FAQs 1. Does a loan need to be current to qualify for a certificate modification with Triad? the representations for the continuation of the mortgage insurance coverage for the HARP Refinance loan and that Triad may cancel or rescind the mortgage … Read Document
Updates To Refi Plus™ And DU Refi Plus™
© 2011 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL-2011-12 Page 1 Selling Guide Announcement SEL-2011-12 November 15, 2011 Updates to Refi Plus™ and DU Refi Plus™ The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) recently announced changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) in an effort … Get Content Here
Homeowners Jump To Refinance At Low Rates
Mortgage rates stayed near all-time lows this week, as homeowners jumped at the opportunity to refinance after the recent rate spike scare. … Read News
Ownership Center Page 1 of 2 NOTE This program was announced March 4, 2009 so please be patient as your lender or mortgage servicer learns the details and develops processes for implementing this program. Making Home Affordable offers qualified homeowners a refinance or loan modification to make mortgage … View Document
Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgage
Relief for borrowers who are current on their mortgage payments, but unable to refinance. Freddie Mac is pleased to play a key role in sustaining homeownership and supporting the Making Home Affordable program. … Read Full Source
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Borrower’s Guide …
Refinancing Government Sponsored Enterprise mortgage loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) through the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). 2. Modifying 1st and 2nd Lien mortgage loans through the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and the 2nd Lien Modification Program (2MP). … Retrieve Doc
Freddie Mac Relief Refinance
Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Page 1 of 23 2/14/2012 . Program Summary . The Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgage SM – Open Access supports the Federal Making Home Affordable … Read Content
Refinancing With HARP 2 Making Homes Affordable – YouTube
0:19 Watch Later Error If I refinanced with Harp 1 can I refinance with the Harp 2 Mortgage Loan Refinance Program? by MortgageChili 41 views; 2:50 Watch Later Error Home Affordable Refinance Program Update Harp 2 Bay Area San Francisco California March 2012 by RealEstateBuzzz 432 views … View Video
Make Your mortgage Moreafforable With The Home Affordable …
If you've been unable to refinance your mortgage due to declining property values, you may qualify to have your rate and monthly mortgage payments reduced through the Home Affordable Refinance program. … Retrieve Full Source
Balloon Payment – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In many cases, the intention of the borrower is to refinance the amount of the balloon payment at the final maturity date. Refinancing risk exists at this point, since it is possible that at the time of payment, the borrower will not be able to refinance the loan; the borrower faces the risk of … Read Article
Home Affordable Refinance Program HARP – Policies And …
Refinance Mortgage guidelines current at the time of closing. Summary of Important Topics for Lenders and Servicers Triad is currently operating in run-off and will utilize the following policies and procedures in our support of the Home Affordable Refinance Program: … Fetch Document
Planned Unit Development – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
A planned residential unit development (PRUD) (sometimes planned unit residential development (PURD)) is a variant form of PUD where common areas are owned by the individual homeowners and not a home owners association or other entity. … Read Article
Home Affordable Refinance Program
Regular loan that allows you to build equity, or even change from a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage to a 15-year or 20-year one that allows you to pay it off sooner. Who qualifies? The Home Affordable Refinance Program targets borrowers who have a loan-to-value ratio of … Read Full Source
Home Affordable Refinance – Refi Plus Options – FAQs
Home Affordable Refinance FAQs December 30, 2009 The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) is designed to assist homeowners in refinancing their mortgages – even if they owe more than the home's current value. … Doc Retrieval
Home Affordable Refinance FAQs
The Home Affordable Modification program is intended for borrowers who do not have the ability to make their mortgage payments, even with a refinance. To be eligible for Home Affordable … Fetch Document
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