Some cool apartment creating photos:
The Blok
Image by The Apologue
Typical apartment creating in Poland
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the building
Image by fdrizo
My apartment developing
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Question by mangelooc: Anyone with a credit score lower than 630 got approved for a Stated Income Stated Asset HELOC? who’s lender?
My credit score has dropped because of credit card bills and I want to get a home equity line to consolidate my bills. I need to go SISA because I have a commission based job and I havent made enough much the past two years to qualify me, more about I also have very few assets right now. My home has about 200k in equity but I’m having the hardest time getting approved. If anyone has a lender who has approved them with my situation please let me know. Thanks
I live in California USA.
Best answer:
Answer by togashiyokuni2001
Hmmm. I don’t have a license in California, dosage but your best bet is to just call a mortgage broker. They usually have at least 3-4 banks that will do a deal like that, depending on the CLTV.
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Question by pam t: if your mortgage is not with freddie mac or fannie mae can you still participate in making homes affordable?
if your mortgage is held by a private bank, ambulance can that bank participate in Obama’s ‘making homes making homes affordable’?
Best answer:
Answer by Landlord
Yes, they can. It is available for all lenders.
Add your own answer in the comments!
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Watch out for that sequester
The housing downturn has put the FHA in a financial bind, shop facing what could amount to billions of dollars in losses. During a hearing earlier this month, thumb Republican … Ron Paul (R-Texas) made his presence and opinions known by sending out a statement …
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Paper on Agency's Future; Free Bank Research Site; Status of Community Banks
Mortgage lending has benefited from this low-rate environment, viagra sale but we all know that heavy reliance on mortgage lending for sustainable revenue growth can become a problem at the point that rates again begin to rise, and especially if you have built a …
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Question by ttbarbie20: Is there loan i can get without a post dated check and a credit check?
i need a payday loan but i kinda have bad credit! I also dont really have a checking acct because i haven’t had it for 30 days yet. I have a pay-card through my job that has a routing num and acct num. they say money can be put on the card by anyone!
Best answer:
Answer by Josh K
I know people get into a situation and they have a need for quick money. They don’t qualify for conventional loans so they turn to payday loans. I would never recommend this. The interest rates are outlandish, viagra sometimes over 200%, just for a small amount of money. Then they get into the habit of taking out payday loans to payoff other payday loans. Then they often cant afford to pay them back due to the extremely high interest rates. They then go to collections further hurting your credit. Payday loans offer repayment plans that are flexible, but costly. For 500$ they may offer you 50$ a month with another 35$ in interest per payment. That’s 10 payments times 35 is 350$ . That’s amount of interest you would end up paying over that time. 350$ to borrow 500$ is ridiculous. And that is a generously low example of what you could pay. In addition that doesn’t even include fee’s that would likely be tacked on in addition to the interest. I NEVER recommend taking out payday loans, but if you must only do it if you can pay it back your next payday vs. spacing out payments. You will still have to pay back some outrageous interest, but not as much as if you space it out over a period of time. Hope this helps, best of luck!
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Trying to Re- Refinance
It looks like you have insufficient equity to refinance under conventional standards and may well owe more than the property is worth. Your next option would be the Home Affordable Refinance Program, sildenafil but there are two time-related requirements that you …
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Question by jessy: Where can I get the lowest mortgage rate?
I am a first time home buyer. I wonder how I can get the best mortgage rate? Is there any websites listing different mortgage rate from different mortgage companies?
Best answer:
Answer by Radioactive
Very surprinsingly Bank of America is offering among the best mortgages around
A fixed 15 or 30 year rate with low costs.
Go to and see what other companies are good
Click on Mortgages
Also try lending
Careful with lower rates than 4.7% for a 30 year.
The closing costs will be higher, viagra approved and they may demand options.
What do you think? Answer below!
Question by Elizabeth K: if i get home loan secured in this taxable year, dosage can i deduct interest payments made before loan secured?
my parents helped my husband and i purchase a home this year. we have a loan agreement with them and have been making payments of principal and interest since june of this year. the loan is not secured on the home. the home mortgage interest deduction for federal personal income taxes requires that the loan be secured on the property. if i get the loan secured before the end of this taxable year, viagra dosage can i deduct all interest payment made this year even if they were made before the home was secured?
Best answer:
Answer by golferwhoworks
no not unless they give you a tax interest statement to be filed. They are not a bank. But part of your closing cost can be deducted
I am a mortgage banker in TN & KY
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Verify out these mansion photos:
Mansion Home, rx Acacia Hall
Image by kenjonbro
The classical Grade II listed Mansion Residence now known as Acacia Hall was built on land initially granted to Michael de Wallensi in 1261. Right now this historic mansion with nine acres of landscaped gardens on the banks of the River Darent has been licensed to carry out civil wedding ceremonies.
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Question by jazzyt: How can a person repair their life after foreclosure?
Good friends of mine went into foreclosure do to the housing market in Central Valley California. They were not able to get their home refinanced because the home had loss value, physician due to this they were forced to go into foreclosure. Can they ever get back on track after going through this?
Best answer:
Answer by Wes’s Granny
Sure they can. It will take time and credit smarts. No running up huge credit card bills. Move out of California. Before you know it, nurse it’s going to fall into the ocean. I see houses being demolished everyday on the news. I don’t think it is smart to sink any money into anything in California.
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sure they can. The biggest problem is going to be the deficit balance on the home. They need to seek out a bankruptcy attorney and file on it or the lender will almost always come after them. Then the must rent for 2- 4 years before attempting to purchase again. They are not alone in all of this. They must stay current after all is discharged in the courts and put away lots of cash for a down payment in the future.
Good luck to them!
I am a mortgage banker
yes , it’s about 2 years. do not be credit shy. you talk and explain your situation . many people are in foreclsoure / bk right now … banks want to give you money again.
you will pay high interest at first … keep checking / shopping rates and do not be shy to apply .
there are banks that target people that have been through this .. offers begin to come in they seem to buy names from court records.
after about 2 years , you will be stronger LOL it is crazy indeed
keep trying and do not take this personal . it was a business relationship . losses happen. you will pay a little more because you are riskier now . expect to be “disrespected” BUT DO NOT LET YOURSELF be “raped” by new credit card companies.