How can you refinance a mortgage with no equity?

Posted on Mar 19, 2025 in HARP Refinance

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Media Headline: Remodel
203k fha mortgage
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Kalamazoo Gazette article on remodeling instead of moving into a new home. No mention of the FHA 203k option for refinancing that mortgage loan and paying for home improvements.

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Carrington Adds Streamline FHA 203K Loans to Its Offerings
Carrington Mortgage Services LLC has announced that it will offer the Streamline FHA 203K loan program, side effects which allows for up to $ 35, viagra 000 in property repairs to be financed into the loan, recipe through its retail and wholesale businesses. Carrington's retail …
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Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group joins Tidewater Builders Association's Cornerstone
Many home loan programs are offered including: government-insured FHA loans, government-insured VA loans for active-duty, retired and former military members, conventional home loans, rural housing loans, jumbo home loans, FHA 203K rehab loans, …
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Question by J: Why does my escrow account analysis show my balance as the full amount that I barrowed 3 years ago?
I have an FHA loan and would like to refinance. I am confused as to how much I am refinancing for. Over the past 3 years, ampoule I have paid approximately $ 55, visit 000 in monthly mortgage payments. I know some of this goes to various insurances, escrow, ground rent (live in the city) etc, but wouldn’t I be refinancing for less than my original loan balance?

Best answer:

Answer by golferwhoworks
probably not since the first 15 years is mostly interest and very little goes to the principal

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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The Massive Property

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Amy and Adam had tickets to the season opener that they couldn’t use, viagra so Shane and I got to go to The Major Home, viagra order along with 100, web 000+ other fans, to cheer Michigan on against Western Michigan. It wasn’t precisely close. At all.

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Question by erin12110: FHA lender wants to know about my overtime at work?
After the holiday is over, look I need to see my FHA lender regarding my w2 forms. He wants to know why I made more income two years ago than I did last year. The reason for that is because my employer gave me a lot of overtime. Do I just need to prove this to my lender? Will it effect my loan approval at all?

Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by acermill
It may well affect your loan approval, order depending on the loan amount requested compared to your regular income (sans overtime earnings). Provide the information as requested along with an honest explanation.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

new loan refinance program
by planspark

Question by Ramona: How can you refinance a mortgage with no equity?
There are programs for people to refinance loans if they are having financial problems, seek but what about the rest of us? Are there limits placed on how much you can refinance?

Best answer:

Answer by Judy
First contact your mortgage company.
You will have to prove financial harship.
They will review your case and perhpas re-fi you.

If they refuse to work with you there is a government agency that will help you:
Making Home Affordable .org
They will contact your mortgage lender after you have tried and perhaps help you.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Depends on the type of mortgage. If you have an FHA loan, you can do an FHA “Streamline Refi.”

  2. Lenders are in the business of making loans to persons that will make their payments on time, often securing that loan with a legal right to take certain property if the borrower does not make their payments as agreed. In a home mortgage case, the borrower agrees to make payments on time but also agrees that the lender may take ownership (foreclose) of the house if the agreement is not met.

    Borrowers that have equity in their home, meaning that their home is worth more than they owe, probably will not risk losing the value that they have built up in their home, and will therefore work harder to make their payments on time.

    Borrowers that do not have equity have very little to lose if the home is taken back by the lender, and are therefore a much higher risk to the lender.

    Because of the higher risk, borrowers with no equity will have to pay a higher interest rate, but financing can probably be found.

    Because you asked about refinancing, though, it may be assumed that you have an agreement with a lender already. If you want to refinance because you want a lower monthly payment, ask your current lender what they might be able to do for you before going to an entirely new lender. Your current lender knows how well you have been making your payments already, and if you have held up your side of the agreement, your lender will probably be able to restructure your loan to provide a lower monthly payment. If you have been bad at keeping your agreement, though, don’t try to hide from your responsibiltity, because the lenders all “talk” to each other through your credit score. Honesty and integrity are always the best choices.

    Best Regards,
    Grandpa Frank

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