Question by : I forget my tax number how can i get it?
Im is sisa jack im working at ctfm my ID number is 8512295579086
Best answer:
Answer by Joe King
It’s stored in the database of the taxation office. I can find out what yours is but I’ll need all your bank details.
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Question by : Is it OK to sign an FHA streamline refinance, shop without the option to update our places of employment?
Our lender is suggesting we do an FHA streamline refinance, to go from 6.25% to 5.25%. She says because it is a streamline, though our income is not shown (as it’s not required) she can’t change the employer info on the forms. I got a better paying job since we bought, but my wife lost her job, so our total income is a bit less than it was before. I just wonder about signing paperwork that seems to confirm outdated information, but our lender says it’s fine. Is this really all kosher?
Best answer:
Answer by knowitall
Since income is not used to qualify, it should be OK.
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Question by Jos: How can you remove a foreclosure from your credit?
Can a foreclosure be removed from your credit after a year? How long does this stay on your credit report?
Best answer:
Answer by theeconomicsguy
It can’t be removed. It generally stays on your report for seven years, cheap although it can remain up to 10 years.
Sorry I don’t have better news.
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What he said. ^^^
You’re stuck with that one!
There are “Credit Repair” companies out there that will charge an exorbitant amount of money to “fix” your credit, including removing your foreclosure. This is a scam – don’t fall for it!
The only things you can remove from your credit report are things that are incorrect. If they didn’t happen, then contact the financial company that put them there and get it taken care of.
The bad marks that are correct and get posted will come back to haunt you for around 7 years.
It stays on for 7 years.
You can’t remove it unless it is incorrect. Then you can file a dispute. Any credit repair place that tells you they can “fix” it is lying and will charge you money to basically do nothing. You’re stuck with it for a while.
You can, however, start doing things to improve your credit score.
Pay all bills ON TIME. Late payments kill you.
If you still have a credit card, use it fairly regularly but pay the entire amount off when the bill comes. Those regular payments will help you but you have to pay it on time.
Reduce any other debt you have. If you still owe credit cards, pay more than the minimum monthly payment. If your cards are maxed out, it’s hurting your score. Get them paid down to below 30% of your credit limit and don’t run them up again.
After a period of time of regular payments and getting your debt reduced, your score will start going back up. The foreclosure is going to stay there for a while though.