How can you rent an apartment right out of grad school?

Posted on Mar 12, 2025 in Stated Income Loans

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Best answer:

Answer by echo4
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Question by Wugfun: How can you rent an apartment right out of grad school?
We are moving to DC. My husband is doing an unpaid internship for the summer, look and will be looking for a job. We want to stay in DC. The problem is income requirements on the rentals. My job (stay at home, this web so location doesn’t count) will not be enough to meet the income requirements. Do student loans count, online even if they are good only for the summer? How does one relocate without a job, right out of college?

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren F
Check on craig’s list. There are usually lots of sublets available in DC for recent graduates. Also, if your husband will only be here for the summer, he could prepay his three months which will be welcome by landlords.

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