I forget my tax number how can i get it?

Posted on Nov 29, 2024 in Stated Income Loans

by paddynapper

Question by : I forget my tax number how can i get it?
Im is sisa jack im working at ctfm my ID number is 8512295579086

Best answer:

Answer by Joe King
It’s stored in the database of the taxation office. I can find out what yours is but I’ll need all your bank details.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. You had better find your contact information for ctfm for this purpose.
    Since you apparently do NOT have a social security card with a valid social security number or a ITIN individual taxpayer identification number card that was issued to you by the IRS for income tax purposes only RIGHT.
    Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 05/16/2012

  2. not sure what number you are trying to come up with
    if you have lost your SSN you need to contact the SSA for a duplicate, you will have to have a lot of identification to prove who you are
    if this is an EIN, again you will need lots of proof and that number would be thru IRS