Question by Anabela: I received a lot of letters to refinance my house through HARP. Are these banks safe? ?
They offer 3.625% with 3.844%APR. I’m single mother and the price of my house went down 100, price hospital 000.00. Appraisal 250.00. I own to one of Boston banks $ 255, visit web 022.81. I have to refinance until next year. Fixed until March 2013 with 5.625% interest rate. HARP is a safe refinance?
Best answer:
Answer by Go with the flow
Don’t deal with anyone that contacts you first.
If you want a good bank, you research it yourself and pick the best.
Often the people that call, send junk emails, or mail you stuff are the worst companies.
Get smart, and start doing some homework.
Go to and click on mortgages – for a good start.
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make sur they are legal in all the states and make sure you use a buyers system in the long run they are looking out for you . make sure they arent contact you and could be a slam
I agree with the above poster – never deal with companies that are sending you requests, aka – begging for business.
Rule of thumb for me, if I didn’t contact you, I probably don’t need your services and won’t likely be doing business with you, be it phone calls or junk mail.
By the way, yes HARP is safe, but their automated mail offers are not accurate as far as what you would actually qualify for, you probably have a dozen neighbors that received the same letters/fliers. In order to give someone an accurate rate quote, they would need your financial information, credit check, banking info etc. They can not give accurate rates without any of that. They mail those things to everyone just to get people’s attention, clearly it worked.