Is is true that if you have PMI that you cannot refinance under the Making Home Affordable program?

Posted on Dec 3, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

home loans for low income
by eyewashdesign: A. Golden

Question by Bianca P: What is the government programs for first time home buyers with low income in Alabama?
I’m interested in purchasing a home for the first time and I’m hearing there’s many options for low income first time home buyers. I just would like to know what are the steps and who to talk with first. I’m in an apartment and I want out so I need a house ASAP.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill
Most of the government programs have expired but you can check with HUD or Pathways to see if you qualify.

Add your own answer in the comments!
Question by Cellen: What is the best bargain in purchasing a home? I have no money to put down and bad credit with a new job.?
I am desperate to stay in our school district for my kids sake. I am desperate to leave my situation away from my boyfriend, price also; for my kids sake. I now have bad credit (most is 5+ yrs old) and just started a descent paying job that will become commission based. I feel that purchasing is smarter than renting. So, viagra buy I wonder if one has to have good credit, job stability, and/or money down to purchase a home. Or which is most important? I am working on all of the above and obviously it takes time. So, I need to figure out the best first, second, third and so on, move.

Best answer:

Answer by gabluesmanxlt
Feds have a program run thru HUD that gives single Mom’s grants – up to $ 30,000 to put down on a first home purchase. Contact your congressman’s local office (they REALLY will help you – don’t sweat it) and see what’s available in your state.

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Question by Belizegirl: Is is true that if you have PMI that you cannot refinance under the Making Home Affordable program?
i was told my Wells Fargo whom i currently have my home loan with and when i asked them about the program they said that i did not qualify because i have private mortgage insurance.

Best answer:

Answer by mortgage underwriter
yes, remedy it’s true. you can still refinance, information pills but not under the new higher loan to values w/out PMI program.

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