Question by BBF: How does getting pregnant affect your home loan amount?
We were pre-approved for a home loan and two weeks later found out that we are pregnant. Should we worry about getting approved again or wait? We do not have any debt and are really watching our top-price amount for a home so that we don’t go outside our means…
Best answer:
Answer by zucca
Being pregnant should not affect your home loan amount. That’s discriminatory lending (pregnancy is included as sex discrimination under our antidiscrimination laws).
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Question by Smiley: Is there any other programs out there that can help with lowering interest rate?
I heard of the HARP program for those who have their loans with or sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s can refinance even if their home is not worth what they bought it for. I looked up my loan and it is not thru Freddie or Fannie. Is there any other refinance program out there for people like me who’s loan is not thru Freddie or Fannie? My home is not worth what I purchased it for, store I would like to lower my interest rate to get a lower monthly payment.
Best answer:
Answer by Go with the flow
Call your mortgage lender.
Chances are that indeed your mortgage was backed up by freddie or fannie.
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call 3 credit unions and 3 banks; you should be offered, if your credit is high,
Sadly, there isn’t anything else out there. Im in the same boat. While most of the loans out there are backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, there are still many people out there who do not have loans backed by them.
It’s definitely not cool when your neighbor can get a low 4% interest rate and Im stuck with my 6.5% rate!
Maybe someday some program will come out, but for now there’s nothing we can do. Unless you want to try for a loan modification..