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Construction at Michigan Stadium (the Huge House) – University of Michigan’s Football Stadium
Image by cseeman
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HARP 2.0: When Lender Says No, physician Keep Looking for HARP 2.0 Approval
HARP 2.0 continues to be active and available for homeowners who meet the eligibility criteria. As a special refinance program for conventional loans, salve HARP 2.0 is strictly for those homeowners who have mortgages that were sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie …
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Throwing a Lifesaver to Underwater Borrowers
The Report provides some statistical information, pharm most of which comes as no surprise to mortgage industry participants, while there are some tidbits of data that seem to be demonstrate the impact of the Home Affordable Refinance Program, known as HARP …
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HARP Refis Account for Nearly 25 Percent of All Q3 Refis
?In September, half of the loans refinanced through HARP had loan-to-value (LTV) ratios greater than 105 percent and one-fourth had LTVs greater than 125 percent. ?In September, 19 percent of HARP refinances for underwater borrowers were for …
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