Question by Nelson: Making Home Affordable Program states 3 trial payments. Can the loan servicer charge more?
We we’re made to pay 4 trial period payments but the Making Home Affordable Program from the government home ownership program only states 3 trial payments. Did this, here pill did that, malady talk to so and so, this department, that department, til this date almost a year later we have got no answer or explanation. Can they do that? Can I get that extra payment back? Who do I call?
Best answer:
Answer by Common Sense
Get it back? WTF? Why??
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If you made the payments to the holder of your mortgage, you don’t have anything coming back. You have to make payments.
These modifications can take a long time, but if you submitted all the proper paperwork on time, they should have that on file. If your house is close to foreclosure or you are delinquent, you need to contact the mortgage company immediately.