Mortgage-Bond Sales Soar on Fed's Refinance Push: Credit Markets

Posted on Nov 25, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

fha loan mortgage rate
by marsmet526

Question by Brian: Educated guesses about when the FHA 30yr fixed rate will drop and how much?
I’m a first time home buyer and I was just preapproved for an FHA loan with a 6.5% rate. Three months ago I was approved for a conventional loan at 6.25%. I’m just wondering when analysists are predicting rates to drop?

Best answer:

Answer by Natalia
not soon the rates are going to go up for the next year unless the government lowers them again

Add your own answer in the comments!
Question by Cat: How can I refinance from FHA to a conventional loan with little or no money down?
Just over 6 months ago, viagra dosage we bought a bank owned property. We’ve put at least 15 grand into fixing it up. I was told that we can switch to conventional with an appraisal that shows our property is worth 20% more as we don’t have cash for closing. Would we not have to pay mortgage insurance if we went conventional and why? I need a little guidance with this. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Me
Join a credit union and work with them.

What do you think? Answer below!
Mortgage-Bond Sales Soar on Fed's Refinance Push: Credit Markets
The Obama administration fueled additional opportunities for refinancing by pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the end of 2011 to expand the Home Affordable Refinance Program, medical or HARP, for borrowers with little or no home equity. Almost 791,000 …
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Taking advantage of the lowest mortgage rates
Q I keep hearing about these really low-rate refinance opportunities, but nobody seems to say which bank or mortgage broker is offering them. I have a 15-year fixed rate loan at 4.25 percent. I financed my loan under the Home Affordable Refinance …
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Diminished expectations: Oregon politicians try to repair economy, restore
A state agency will conduct a limited test of a program to buy back and refinance underwater mortgages. Still, the …. It's similar to the federal Home Affordable Refinance Plan, the Obama administration response to upside-down mortgages. But HARP is …
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Annaly Capital Vs. American Capital Going Into 2013
According to the latest statistics compiled by Mortgage Bankers Association and reported by Bloomberg, sale of Agency MBS reached a three-year high. This was a result of the direct actions from the Fed, which intends to make home ownership affordable.
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