Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates to Continue; Refinance Applications …

Posted on Dec 9, 2024 in HARP Refinance

Question by Brandi: Is Debit consoildation worth it for me?
My family was just turn down for a home loan due to our credit score we have a total family debit of $ 3700 (already months overdue). Due to the poor spending habits we have vs our low income and rent it seems as though we owe millions.

What my question is debit consolidation worth it? What can I expect to hear?

Best answer:

Answer by Ginger R
If the consolidation will lower your payments so you can afford to make them , unhealthy it could be a good thing.

But remember, pills you can’t run up anymore debt. The worse thing is to consolidate and not change your bad spending habits…you’ll end up even deeper in debt!

Also be careful and check out the lender ( remember, if it’s to good to be usually isn’t!!)

Before you sign on the dotted line, be sure that the costs of the new, bundled loan will truly be less than what you’re already paying various creditors. For many consolidation-loan candidates, their current credit woes mean they won’t get the lowest-available interest rate. Plus, when there is nothing to secure the loan (such as your home), expect the lender to bump up the rate.

Calculate interest and fees on all your existing accounts to determine the total of the payments you now make. Then compare those amounts with the consolidation loan numbers to make sure it truly is a better choice

And, as with any product, shop around. The bank down the street may offer an attractive loan rate, but a check of your local credit union could turn up better terms,

“Credit unions also tend to be more lenient than the banks,”

Add your own answer in the comments!
Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates to Continue; Refinance Applications
To assist borrowers with finding HARP 2.0 lenders who will work with them, dosage the online form is available for submission and will return a response almost instantly. This process is simple and easy for homeowners who are looking for current low mortgage …
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