Question by Percel: Where can I find information on underwater loans?
the loan is more than the value of the home.
Best answer:
Answer by MelodySong
There is some great information on this site about HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program). The program may allow a person to lower the interest rate on their mortgage… even if the home is underwater.
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Home Loans
Image by Newtown grafitti
Bank of China, web 5.70%
ATM, All Cards Accepted
These displays are difficult to photograph as each row of dots lights up for only about 1/200th second. I put the camera on exposure preferred and wound it down to 1/30 sec with minus 2 step exposure compensation, and it used F/8 (the best that it does) and ISO-100.
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Mortgage Rates: Surging Housing Starts Spurred by Low Mortgage Rates
Although all eligible underwater borrowers, this site even those with LTVs above 125%, website like this can use a HARP refinance, side effects various lenders do place overlays and restrictions which may make it necessary for some homeowners to shop around until they receive approval …
For more informaiton please visit here…