Obama Calls for Expanded Refinancing Finance One Online

Obama Calls for Expanded Refinancing

Posted on Jul 26, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

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Castle Leslie
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Castle Leslie

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Castle Leslie
Image by Sean MacEntee
Castle Leslie

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Question by dgoldenboy67: what is the income and credit requirement for a VA home loan of 0, this 000. ?
I had filed for chapter 13 in 07 for medical reasons, seek but the case was dismissed. Where doI go from here. My credit score is only now 550. My income is $ 80, erectile 000.

Best answer:

Answer by Sofa King
You need to make about 160,000 a year to afford a $ 350,000 loan.

[edit] You’d also need 87,500 (20%) down + closing costs, etc.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Sherry: If you refinance your home into FHA loan and have 20% equity do you still need monthly mortgage insurance?

With 30 year FHA loans the monthly MI is in place for the life of the loan.

Kind regards, online

Geoff Johnston

Mortgage Relief Specialist


480.219.0585 (direct)

760.888.8293 (fax)
After finding the governmentrefinanceassistance.com web site I ask this question of refinancing into an FHA loan with LTV being less than 80% would monthly mortgage insurance still be required and the answer is (yes with a 30 year loan) I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard it from a government web site! Any thoughts?
Thanks, Sherry
The reason we went FHA is the processor told me her scores were to low to do conventional cash out refinance.

Best answer:

Answer by Lee N
Typically, treat no. PMI usually is not required if you have equity at 20% or higher. The problem is that right now the value of your home may not be what you think it is. Lenders and appraisers are being a lot more conservative. Good luck to you.

What do you think? Answer below!
Obama Calls for Expanded Refinancing
In his weekly radio address on Friday, cialis 40mg Obama called upon Congress to enact legislation he proposed in February that would enable underwater homeowners to refinance their mortgages into FHA-backed home loans. He said the proposal … The proposal would …
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Real Estate Q&A
If its an FHA or VA loan, viagra 40mg then they can refinance without appraisal. If they have a conventional loan and it was made prior to June of 2009 then they may be eligible for a HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program) refinance. In these cases, the insuring …
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Anyone but Fannie and Freddie
For instance, the loan must be a Federal Housing Authority, Veterans' Affairs or conventional mortgage in most cases. The cost for points and fees cannot … These are important measures that can help with a loan refinance. However, there must be …
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