obamas home affordability program… how are they able to get the payment down? do they lower the balance or?

Posted on Jul 7, 2024 in HARP Refinance

Question by Donald: Is it true HUD rules are that you must wait three years after including a mortgage in chapter 7 to reapply?
Is it true that a person must wait three years after including a mortgage in a chapter 7 bankruptcy before reapplying for another mortgage?

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Question by Deborah C: obamas home affordability program… how are they able to get the payment down? do they lower the balance or?
stretch the years of your loan?

Best answer:

Answer by PoliPino
Part of it depends on which program you’re referring to.
The Home Affordability Refinance Program (HARP) allows you to refinance up to 125% of your home’s value at today’s rates. If you aren’t paying PMI on your current loan you don’t have to for the new loan. You need to have your mortgage owned by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae to participate. You also have to be current on your loan, viagra buy and shown a history of paying on time.

The Home Affordability Modification Program is for people who are is trouble of losing their home to foreclosure. For that you have to show that you cannot afford the current payment, order but that you would be able to afford the new loan terms. For the modification, the bank may lower the loan amount, extend the terms, or drop the interest rate.

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