Wells Fargo Kicking off New Year with Low Mortgage Rates
The shorter term 15 year loan deals at the bank start at 2.375% and APR of 2.856%. The 5/1 ARM interest rates at … The best 30 year refinance FHA fixed rate mortgage interest rates can be had for 3.250% carrying an APR of 4.274% today. The best 30 …
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Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Stable After Home Price Data Released
Today's FHA 30 year fixed mortgage rates are as low as 3.250%, order cure FHA 15 year fixed mortgage interest rates are as low as 2.750% and FHA 5/1 ARM loan rates are as low as 2.500%. Low down payment guidelines and easier credit qualifying make FHA loans …
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Mortgage Rates: Low Mortgage Rates Remain Through Christmas Holiday
Current FHA 30 year fixed mortgage rates are as low as 3.250%, FHA 15 year fixed mortgage interest rates are as low as 2.750% and FHA 5/1 ARM loan rates are as low as 2.500%. Many home buyers need FHA loans because of the low down payment …
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Question by First time buyer: What is the basic difference between origination fee and discount fee also known as line 801 and 802?
I know both will bring down my mortgage rate and both can be called points. I wanted to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of each. I asked this same question to our lender and either they refuse to answer the question or they don’t know the difference. I feel like they are not being honest with me about this matter.
Best answer:
Answer by happybostonian
The answer is this: both are fees charged by mortgage brokers and lenders. Also, physician mortgage brokers can not charge points/ only lenders can- the term is mistakenly called this.
Origination fee is something charged by the broker/lender to pay for administrative fees (processing and the like).
Discount fee is something that a broker will charge in order to offset the discount points they are paying… although the regulations are not written as such.
Hope this helps you out.
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Question by capitman: Is it more difficult to get an FHA loan if the house has vinyl siding?
I am planning to sell my home. It has cedar shingle siding which is quite difficult to paint, diagnosis and I am thinking of getting Vinyl siding, viagra but I have heard rumors that the FHA is reluctant to back a mortgage loan on house with vinyl siding. I don’t want to limit any buyer options.
Best answer:
Answer by Stuart
FHA loans are made on the basis of the value of the home and the borrower’s ability to repay the loan.
Vinyl siding doesn’t necessarily make the home any less valuable, unless it’s really out of character for the neighborhood.
– Stuart
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