Q&A: Any idea to find used car loan for bad credit?

Posted on Nov 10, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

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Question by toodd: Any idea to find used car loan for bad credit?
My friend has good income, viagra dosage but bad credit on mortgage payment, symptoms so banks rejected!

Best answer:

Answer by chuckles951
Bad credit means that they are iffy at paying their loans. The credit crunch put an end on places taking chances on people with bad credit.

They need to reduce their expectations and live with a car they can save up for.

What do you think? Answer below!

One Comment

  1. If you have good credit then it will be very easy to get a car loan from any car loan company.But in today’s economy most of us are suffering from bad credit or no credit.There are bad credit auto loans online which are specially designed for the people with bad credit history.You should try to apply for your car loan on web.You should collect car loan quotes & then make a decision to choose best car loan deal for you..