Question by Colu Colu: can I refinance with other bank under the Home Affordable program?
Best answer:
Answer by Ryan M
You can try, web mind but remember no bank, advice including yours, is obligated to do anything for you. They only receive small incentives from the Feds under this program IF they decided to help you. I would contact as many banks as you can until you get someone willing to refi you!
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Question by Melissa N: How long does Bank of America take to finish underwriting a FHA loan?
Has anyone gotten an FHA loan with BOA recently, no rx if so how long did it take you before you received the final approval?
Best answer:
Answer by golferwhoworks
depends on how many are in front of your loan. We have no idea. The underwriters can only look at one file at a time.
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The last I heard BofA and Wells had a 2-week turn around time on underwriting FHA right now.
3 weeks. It was a pleasant surprise. BofA used to be a problem. You could get the loan done faster by going to a mortgage broker and have them broker it to BofA. It could be done in 30 days. If you went to BofA directly, it took 45 days if you were lucky.
They are getting much faster. Ask for an experienced loan officer to handle your BofA loan. ( I don’t work for them or for a mortgage broker).