Q&A: Should I use a mortgage broker to find me the best FHA lender?

Posted on Mar 21, 2025 in FHA Information

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Question by julesmirror: Should I use a mortgage broker to find me the best FHA lender?
I’m buying a home and I’m looking for a lender who will give me the best FHA loan. Should I use a mortgage broker to help me? I thought FHA loans were standard in terms of their rate, malady but that lending institutions can vary their lending fees. Is it more advantageous to find a lender on my own or use a broker?

Best answer:

Answer by boundaries
Phone around brokers and ask if they deal with FHA loans and if they do, then I would go to a broker. A mortgage broker knows how to fill in the application form and what information is required to get a loan. Good luck!

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  1. Hi! It will be best if you check with some brokers whether they are deal in loans and if you may not find any then you can check with these sites
    http:// firsttimehomebuyersloan.org/

  2. screw these online companies I have worked for 3 major lenders and 1 broker by far brokers can get you the best deals find someone who knows what they are doing and they can for sure give you the best rate and closing cost. Some brokers are not fha approved but the good ones are. Even as a employee of a major lender I still went through a broker but did my loan through my company through the broker(if that makes sense) becuase the broker gets wholesale rates and the rate they give you is based on how much they make and in this economy a lot of brokers are willing to work for less just to get the business which gives you a better rate. Good luck

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