The Colonnades Condominium, Kota Kinabalu

Posted on Feb 1, 2025 in Real Estate News

no income mortgage loans

Question by Daniel G: Do personal loan underwriters spend a lot of time verifying income or do they rely on credit score?
Do personal loan underwriters spend as much time as mortgage loan undertwriters verifying income? I know mortgage loan underwriters spend days checking a loan and have tools to check docs. Do personal loan underwriters follow the same guidelines?

Best answer:

Answer by kelly
yes they do they need both statements and information that support what you have written down to make sure that you are not a risk worth taking.

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fha mortgage refinance
by marsmet526

Question by Allison: why is my FHA mortgage banker refiance taking so long?
We have had our complete FHA refinance package with the underwriting 2 weeks today. The loan officer tells us that it’s a more difficult file to process but says all looks good. I asked if they want to see any more documention and he told us that they haven’t asked for anything. We are getting concerned. If everythink looked fine, symptoms but they wanted some more documentation, wouldn’t they approve with stipulations? What could the hold up be? And at what point do we walk away and go with someone else?

Best answer:

Answer by MoneyMonkey
Sometime the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Ask him for a deadline, and keep calling him politely every day until it is complete. Ask him outright if you should be looking for a loan elsewhere.

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Question by Manny: can i sue chase bank for selling my mortgage with good credit during a HARP application?
During my application for modification or refinancing program to get a lower rate, information pills after 4 month
back and forth with paper work, without any detail explanation, the letter said I was not qualified
I never been late in payments, our credit scores were above 740 & 760 and we could make our payments,but our mortgage was underwater and this was the purpose for refinancing.
Two month later our mortgage was sold to LBPS/Seterus a motrgage service company.

Best answer:

Answer by A Hunch
Seturus a mortgage service company. They don’t own the loan, so Chase couldn’t have sold them the loan. They service the loan for the owner.

Was Chase the owner? Is Chase still the owner? Was Chase ever the owner or were they a servicer too?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

home loan affordable program
by Center for American Progress

Question by ruby: How long is the process of a Home Affordable Modification Program with a bank last.?
I’m in a Modification Program with my bank since April and they are giving me the run around. My three months trial period had ended. They ask me for document which i presented, there now ever other week they are asking for the same documents or something new. I pay my mortgage on time and i have done ever thing in my power to please this bank. I have a lawyer on the case but nothing have change and i don’ t have any money to seek another. How can i resolved this situation.

Best answer:

Answer by linkus86
Loan modification is subjective Stay prepared and make copies of everything. Don’t be afraid to seek another contact person in regards to the modification. Be tenacious in your efforts.

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Question by A A: How much could I get a mortgage for if I make 31k a year?
I’ve been hearing about this 8k home credit if your a first time homebuyer and buy a new house. I’m thinking about buying a place by the end of the year.

I don’t make that much money, symptoms only 31k a year, pharm however my motorcycle and car are both paid off so I don’t have any big bills, pretty much only a credit card payment and my cell phone bill.

How much could I get a mortgage for and better yet how much could I afford?

Best answer:

Answer by
I’m not sure anyone can afford a home on that small salary. I know I can not.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

A couple of nice condominium images I located:

The Colonnades Condominium, look Kota Kinabalu
Image by thienzieyung
The blue facade of the Costa and Crista blocks of the Colonnades Condominium produced the apartment blocks clearly visible under the morning sunlight from the peak of Bukit Padang. The Luyang Telecommunication Tree is also seen right here. A bit of the Sabah Museum and Sutera Harbour’s Pan Pacific can also be spotted from up right here.

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