Question by Juanito: Does my unemployment income count when applying for a home loan?
I recently filed for unemployment and I am getting a steady check from the unemployment office. My girlfriend is still employed full-time and her job seems to be stable. We want to see if we qualify for a home loan using her income and my unemployment income. Do you know if my unemployment income counts and if it will help us in getting approved for the loan or if it will hurt us?
Best answer:
Answer by alex
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Question by Robin Towson: How can I refinance my mortgage and save money?
I purchased my house in 2010 for 273k and currently owe 243k. The property is probably worth what i owe. I pay $ 202 in pmi per month.
Can I refinance to a 15 yr loan and eliminate my pmi? If so, cialis 40mg how?
Best answer:
Answer by Go with the flow
You need at least 20% equity to stop paying PMI.
Google: Should I refinance calculator
Do not re-finance unless you know you will stay in the home for at least 5 years to break even with the closing costs.
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Some cool chateau images:
Chateau de Langle – DSCN4214
Image by Marcel Musil
Chateau de Langle – Croisière sur la rivière du Lot (Cahors–Caix), unhealthy France
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Question by Katrina: We recently applied for a loan to refinance our home. I have Excellent credit but the loan was denied?
We recently applied for a loan to refinance our home. We both have Excellent credit but the loan was denied due to the Real Estate Appraisal coming in to low. Is there anything I can do. I really need to be refinanced I can not afford a balloon rate. I have never been late on a payment. PLease help me somebody!!
Best answer:
Answer by Sandy W
This is a story I am hearing a lot. You could try asking for a review appraisal, this web or go to another lender. Appraisers are coming in very low these days because in most areas prices are still on a downward trend.
You may just have to wait and try again when the housing market has hit bottom and prices are starting to rise again. Keep your credit spotless, site and try paying off some credit card debt, or car payments. That day will come, we just don’t know when.
Also by cutting down on expenses perhaps you could save up some money to put towards a new loan to increase your equity. Most people I know are pinching every penny right now, and giving up everything they can like movies and lattes. If you really feel you might be in jeopardy of losing your home when the balloon payment comes due, you might want to consider a second part time job to put money away. .
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US mortgage rates fall to record low, this at a glance
Published : Thursday, viagra 15 Nov 2012, 1:45 PM EST. Average U.S. rates on fixed mortgages fell to fresh record lows this week, a trend that has helped the housing market start to recover this year. Here's a look at rates for fixed and adjustable mortgages …
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Woman in Petraeus scandal had heavy debt, missed mortgage payments
(Source: CNN). (CNN) – More information is unraveling about the finances of the woman whose complaints triggered the FBI investigation into former CIA Director David Petraeus' affair. Jill Kelley is married to Doctor Scott Kelley. Documents show the …
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