What % of stock market pundits do you think really have a grasp of the bursting housing bubble?

Posted on Nov 18, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

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Mansion Perrier Dita Von Teese
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Mansion Perrier Dita Von Teese

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Question by Think about it: Where can I find guidelines for Obama’s mortgage loan modification program?
I was denied over the phone because my income has dropped too low. I don’t want to lose my home, visit this any website where it actually lists if my income is a certain level I won’t qualify? I can’t help I have a lot of debt like credit card and car payments so they said my income had to be double what it actually is right now.

Best answer:

Answer by Rita Gibbons

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

mortgage market news
by Steve Rhodes

Question by Daniel E: What % of stock market pundits do you think really have a grasp of the bursting housing bubble?
Cable news networks, for sale print journalists, bloggers… When Citibank says the worst of the credit crunch is over, how many people really have a grasp of what’s already in the pipe, ARM resets, forclosures, housing inventory, etc. ?

Best answer:

Answer by self-employed
I wouldn’t listen to anyone with a stake in it (mortgage companies, mortgage backed securities, etc.). I think economists can make an educated guess, but it is still just a guess.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Comment

  1. We all know what caused this mess. What nobody can tell you untill the end of this quarter is the extent of it. when the quarterly figures come out that’s when the poop will hit the fan.