What’s the best way to find a mortgage after bankruptcy? Finance One Online

What’s the best way to find a mortgage after bankruptcy?

Posted on Sep 29, 2024 in Unique Loan Programs

mortgage bankers association
by sierraromeo [sarah-ji]

Question by CuriousOne: What’s the best way to find a mortgage after bankruptcy?
I claimed bankruptcy about 4 years ago and am not ready to purchase a home. What web sites or mortgage lenders should I target to obtain a loan? What should I expect as far as interest rates and fees?

Best answer:

Answer by KuteKaboose
If it has been 4 years since your bankrupcy and IF your credit score is now good you won’t be penalized and should have the interest rate that corresponds with your current credit score.

If your credit score is not great than consult a mortgage broker or banker and ask for free advice to help bring your credit score up. Many times within 6 months to a year you can have your credit score back up.

DO NOT go to online lenders. Go to local banks and mortgage brokers. Ask around from friends and family for referrals. Local lenders have great first time home buyers programs and other programs that are fabulous.

I am a Realtor and have a ton of bad experiences with clients who have went with online brokers. And don’t try to purchase a home without a Realtor. They offer a lot of knowledge and help. They are a free service to you the buyer.

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One Comment

  1. I agree with Kute about your credit, between when you were discharged and the end of 7 years you have the best credit there is, since you can not file another bankruptcy during that time. Here are some links that you need to do research in.
    Once per year free credit report from all three credit reporting agencies:
    Answers to common questions on Bankruptcy*: http://www.consumerlaw.org/action_agenda/bankruptcy/content/BrochureRevised2006.pdf
    Using credit wisely after bankruptcy*: http://www.consumerlaw.org/action_agenda/bankruptcy/content/using_credit_wisely.pdf
    You should be able to find members in your area that will help you and guide you through the loan process here
    American Bankers Association: http://www.aba.com/Consumer+Connection/default.htm
    Mortgage Brokers Associaton: http://www.namb.org/namb/Default.asp
    Buena Suerte