What’s the best way to find the lowest mortgage rate possible after getting an accepted offer?

Posted on Mar 3, 2025 in FHA Information


low mortgage rates
by superflexnet

Question by I’ll_Beat_U_At_Pacman: What’s the best way to find the lowest mortgage rate possible after getting an accepted offer?
What do I need to do to know I am getting the best mortgage rate possible (just got an offer on a house accepted) – I live in Indianapolis, about it likely will get a 30 yr fixed. Any ideas on what kind of rate I should be looking for

Best answer:

Answer by Not I
The rate is dependant on How much of a mortgage, erectile how much down payment you have, sickness Your credit score, your debt to income ration. Start with the bank where you have your checking and savings.
Look online what the National companies are offering. Wells Fargo and such

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Comment

  1. once again that depends on your credit score. the higher the score the lower the interest rate.

    i have a 5% loan through wells fargo, but i got that about 10 years ago before the economy went up side down.
    think the best you can hope for now is a hair over 6% and that’s if your credit score is over 725 and you have enough down and a good job.

    good luck

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